What kind of sicko would ever want to go back to micro USB??? 🤢
Most of my flashlights and rechargeable decives are micro USB still. C is superior but I’m not throwing away good electronics over a charging cable.
The question wasn’t who still uses them, the question was who wants to go back.
In some senses i would go back. Then i could just keep using 1 wire. Things were great when everything had the same cable for me. Now ive got a mix of micro and C.
I do a lot backpacking and every gram really counts when you carry it all day.
You can get USB-C to micro USB adapters for like 7 bucks
I still keep a micro USB to USB-C adapter on my keys. I’ve been thinking of getting one that’s reverse too.
idonno, back in the day there was mini-usb and micro-usb. it’s not like we had just one cable, and then it was often with some weird cable only that gadget could use
And dozens of proprietary connectors!
Well in this scenario it’s a genie granting a wish, so why not just wish for everything to be changed to USB-C?
deleted by creator
I was just thinking that the only device that’s still micro USB is my Kindle, but remembered that I also have a PS4 controller
Works fine
Mini usb is where it’s at!
Early 2000s nerdcore tech lovers unite! Get out your 640x480 digital camera and cf cards!
Cf cards are still used. In fact they’re much better than sd cards.
Most micro USB cables that came bundled with phones or gadgets were built so cheaply that they don’t even have data pins. They’re a pain to sort out whenever I want to program a board.
Im also finding this with USB-C unfortunately
The one good thing about Google’s Social media experiment was that guy who reviewed USBC cables to see if they actually adhered to the standards.
It’s shocking how many didn’t have the proper resistors or components to properly handle data and charging.
I used to keep every cable that came with any electronics. USB-C convinced me to throw away any cable I didn’t specifically buy. Even my charging cables are USB4 240w 40gbps because I got so tired of guessing which cable did what. I don’t even need those specs but I’ll never have to wonder which cable to use.
You cannot make a statement like this and not drop a link or a brand name my guy
Monoprice is my go-to for cables. Has been for years.
Anker builds pretty solid cables too. They’re the go-to at my place of work.
Why not, I’m sure plenty of companies make the same cable available across many wholesalers?
I’m sure the USB forum is finding ways to identify cable capabilities easy. /s
They are useful for dummies like me though! When I let my phone run out of battery while installing an update, I thought it was the end for it. But it turned out that it had just bricked itself by desperately using every single ounce of juice, so it could no longer tell the charger that it wanted to charge.
Solved by buying a dumber charger!
I recently went through my collection of Micro USB cables because I couldn’t fit them into the drawer anymore. About 80% wouldn’t even receive any data at all.
This this this…what the fuck.
If anyone here has a synth and it uses USB and they can’t get it to be seen by the computer this is why…ask how I know
My old kindle was a nightmare for this reason. Plus the socket got funky with age on top of that, and eventually there was really like 1 special cable that would work and it always seemed to end up hidden under 50000 things.
Still, that does speak to the battery life of the kindle.
Yep. When I wanted to transfer files between phone and computer I had to try out 3 cables before I found one that was data capable.
What kind of sadistic shit bag would actually want those defective easily broken pieces of trash back???
I want full size USB-B on all phones. Fight me
Thicker Phone with a longer battery and durable. Sign me up.
Nope. It’s aaaaaall camera bump.
Camera bump really pisses me off. Just make the phone thicker with a longer battery damnit
Your phone is now a cylinder behind the camera.
God yes. I absolutely HATE that phones got slimmer and slimmer while also consuming more battery - which can’t be swapped like the good old days.
I’ve got giant hands. Give me a phone that’s AT LEAST twice as thick with a battery that lasts at least three days.
I’d absolutely carry a large Motorola brick phone style if those were still viable today. They do make retro gimmick phones like it, but you really do need a smartphone for a lot of specific apps.
Unihertz and Oukitel both make “rugged” phone models with giant batteries - aimed at weekend campers with giant hands. And Fairphone and Volla both have phones that still allow for easy battery swapping.
Neat, I’ve never heard of those. Unihertz makes one with a projector in it… that’s wild. I’d be hesitant to buy a phone that’s sold on AliExpress though, I’d assume OS support wouldn’t be that great.
Yeah, software support tends to be pretty bad for their devices, with few updates, and they are often bad with posting kernel source for their devices, so hard to get custom roms or flash alternative OS’s on them too. But if you want a phone that has a battery that can last 3 days straight - they are indeed available for purchase
There are a ton of those in the market already
Reject USB, return to DB-25
Just give me an AGP slot on my phone. Hell, toss in a SCSI while you’re at it.
If battery technology werenʼt still stuck in the Vietnam War era, 2-second rapid charging would require something like a thick boi USB-B cable to satisfy everyoneʼs desire to also use their phone as a tazer/hand grenade/flying drone/cardiac defibrillator/space heater.
I’ve had 400% more failures of USB C than of micro. Keep in mind I’ve only had C for a couple years, and micro for 14 across numerous devices.
That’s got to be something you’re doing. Cause I’ve had exactly zero problems. In fact I don’t think I’ve actually met a person who’s ever had a problem with USB - C. But I have boxes (plural) of dead micro USB cables and, on top of that, I have so many devices that have been rendered useless by the fact that the micro USB port has been blown or damaged in some way it’s not even funny.
Edit, these are not all mine. They are from multiple people.
I’m with you. Those spring-latch-things on the micro just give up on life and the whole thing becomes useless or tears apart the port you try to plug them into. I say leave them in the past
Yeah, I love the counter argument of “oh, the USB - C gets dirt in it”. As though that hasn’t been an issue with every port ever conceived. 😒
Was a lot less of an issue with lightning than with other connectors, but I realize that people hate the lightning for some reason.
People hate lightning because it’s proprietary
And because of the little metal piece that would break off and prevent your phone from charging. You could just weasel it out with tweezers but most people would think their port was broken because they didn’t know it was even an issue.
LG phones were notoriously bad…the v60 especially had a defective port.
I don’t know what you’re doing because I’ve had 0 failures with it
Type-C ports are a lot more sensitive to dirt in my experience. I can keep it working if I clean the port every couple weeks, but at this point I just pretend phones don’t have charging ports.
They are, but it hasn’t been a problem for me. I clean the port on my phone maybe twice a year
Sounds like you need to invest in some port covers.
Me too, first two phones I had with USB C both developed issues with the port, one shorted in the port, the other for some reason could only be charged with one specific cable, oriented in only one direction. Never had any issues with the ports on any previous USB micro phones.
The current one works alright though, and its capable of detecting water and dirt in the port, so probably won’t short itself. So I think the technology is improving.
In my experience, that’s what tends to happen with a dirty port/cable. Cleaning it out solves the problem 99% of the time.
My anecdotal experience is the complete opposite of you two lol. Tons of issues with micro-b and a few broken connectors. No issues thus far with C.
Do not taunt micro USB adapter
Failures of ports or cables?
Definitely user error.
I hate when I get something that still has a micro or even worse a mini 🤮
At least mini is robust. Micro had that tiny tab that always got damaged after a year or less cuz you inevitably tried to plug that mf in backwards
Yeah, mini is the best! It is robust and has a ahape that makes it easy to figure out which way to plug it. I love it when i fet a device with a mini
has a ahape that makes it easy to figure out
May I introduce you to USB C then where it doesn’t fucking matter how you plug it? I definitely prefer mini over the micro abomination but it’s not “the best”.
I see you don’t work IT where the solition to “my docking station isn’t working” always, always, always is “rotate the USB-C cable”.
I am not kidding. Vendors fuck this up either because they’re dumb or because they want to cheap out (why make sure both work if they’re interchangeable?)
I don’t think I ever managed to break it by plugging it in backwards, but they indeed brake constantly. Mine would always bend since they were so bloody thin. The only micro usb cable that didn’t break is the one going to my PC tablet, which I barely move, every other one got bumped around enough, either in my backpack or just charging in bed/on the couch, to eventually break the contacts within a year or 2, 3 max.
I once got an adapter as a kid to plug in a controller, was super exited until I dropped it and stepped on it by accident with my naked squishy child feet, probably the fastest I ever broke one of these. Like what the actual fuck? Micros sucks so much!
Mini may be more robust, but do you know how hard for me to find a mini cable?
I still have a few because PSP/ps3, but also https://www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=3896
Monoprice! For all your cable needs.
I have some left for the same reason, the hard part is figuring out where I left them
It’s the rule of cables. If I look for a micro USB, I will only find minis. If I look for minis, why suddenly I have only micro USB!!! Maybe I’m in the bad place.
Ngl this never happened to me ever and I’m clumsy asf. Guess I was lucky.
Same. You’re not alone.
Me with my mini-usb devices rolling over in our grave
Mini at least didn’t have a tendency to just break for no reason
“I want micro USB back” already breaks all three original rules at once.
USB is people!
The time for macro USB is now.
I’m just imagining a port the size of a VCR
12 yards long, 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride! Macro USB! Macro USB! Top of the line. Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!
“Make all new devices use micro-HDMI”
I will punch your dad in the cock
My biological father is actually mtf trans funnily enough so good luck with that
something is down there and imma punch it.
What I want is to be able to retrofit usb-c onto my older stuff.
I was kinda annoyed at having to switch, but it really is better in every way
there are tiny adapters you can buy that may work depending on the device
I liked microusb. I don’t know what everyone is doing with their connectors, but I never had any contact issues.
All I know is no matter how careful I was, it would end up not connecting unless it was held at exactly the right angle. I’ve yet to have a single USB-C connector have the issue
I’ve had it with shoddy c ports on various devices, including a phone (thankfully had wireless charging also). The connection pin thingy breaks off pretty easily, and causes the same issue you described for several weeks/months ahead of the actual breakoff, where it has to be in exactly the right position (and wiggling it to hit the right position obviously exacerbates the problem).
I’ve actually bought some magnetic chargers for the more fragile electronics, so I never have to put strain on the port…
We must be buying different USB-C cables, then. I’ve been using anker ones for years and havent had a single break like that, and I’m definitely not gentle with mine.
Oh, yeah no it’s not the cable, it’s the receiving port on the device itself. Sorry for the confusion :)
I’ve got a USB C that requires me to have it plugged in one specific direction or no charging
Oof that sounds annoying
It absolutely is…what’s worse is the cable has been rock solid for years
I want my 16 pin serial port on my phone!
might as well go for HPIB or MIDI
Bring back D-Sub.
bring back micro dvi (the one on the first macbook air).
I would like to know what I’m doing with the connectors too, dammit.
I don’t blame any connector, all of them end up the same for me. Externally in good condition but the conductivity the poorest.
Every phone I’ve ever replaced was replaced because the micro USB broke. Now with how fast charging is I don’t even use my phone while it’s charging, but I still don’t expect the USB-C to be the part that gives out first.
I think the real solution is repairable gadgets. A microusb port costs pennies and if the phones were repairable at all, it would be a 5 minute solder job. The same is true for USB C as well. It might be more durable, but it can still break and it feels so stupid to replace a decive because a single cheap part broke.
The only annoyances I had were general keyed connector issues, but usually you’re able to look at the port, it’s usb a that tended to be plugged in blind, usb c can be annoying to plug in blind because if its size, just less overall annoying that og usb
C is better than any other type of USB in literally every way possible. There’s not even an argument to be made. Go on, I’ll wait.
My argument:
You have a point.
I’m not sure about this, but maybe micro allows for slightly thinner devices?
I wouldn’t call that an argument though, because it doesn’t even approach mattering as much as USB-c’s other benefits. Hell Apple made their thinnest ever device (the new 5.x mm thick iPads) with it, including Thunderbolt support.
I love that it’s just “no falling in love” and not “no making people fall in love”
RS-232 FTW!
Laughs in obsolete industrial controls hardware
Micro USB type A.
That doesn’t exist, Micro USB is always type B, only full size is A
Micro USB A does exist, although I assume it is very uncommon.
Huh til thx
I have never seen that in my life, I looked it up and it still didn’t pop-up lol. Thanks for the info!
Full size micro plug. Hrhr.
I think you mean mini USB, you sadistic fuck
USB B is still the best
I’m so conflicted. It’s way too chunky, but I’ve never had one fail and it’s durable as shit. Damn.
There’s a USB 3 B. I just encountered it, and that bitch somehow got chunkier.
Micro version too:
🤮 Those are sooo awful
But the devices are compatible with old micro usb cables at USB 2.0 speed and power.
TIL my external hard drives use micro 3b. I didn’t realize that was a standard… figured it was a proprietary to prevent using the wrong cable…
Samsung phones used this for a couple years, I think around the S5 days?
Yes, the Galaxy S5 was the only Samsung flagship using the micro USB 3.0 port. They backpedaled to micro USB 2.0 in S6 and S7, and then migrated to USB-C in S8. I’m not sure about the Note series.
You can use an old micro usb cable in the small hole and it will likely work, only at USB 2.0 speed.
I doesn’t break cause it’s too chonky to be broken.
The micro USB most of us know already is a USB-B. Each cable before USB-C had USB-A on one side and USB-B on the other. The square-like one used for printers is a full-sized USB-B, as opposed to the one used in phones (micro USB-B).
I’m pretty sure there’s also a micro USB-A that just never got adopted.
Yes, that’s what I meant by “the micro USB most of us know”. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the A variant of micro USB.
Isn’t that the PS3 controller cable? It’s such a funky lil micro variant I’m so scared to lose my cable lol
Unlikely, the A plugs are for the host devices while the B plugs are for peripherals. It got blurred with smartphones (see: USB-OTG) but in general the host devices were big enough to have full-sized USB ports, so the smaller USB-Bs are extremely rare.
I have! It’s apparently pretty common on e-bikes.