the blackout kinda worked until reddit threatened still closed communities
the blackout kinda worked until reddit threatened still closed communities
you should’ve left reddit in june or july 2023 by now
this is some weird fediverse scam bot?
those bastards at Microsoft acquired Skype
if you go to estonia you don’t learn Russian
well download it for dark mode
wikipedia app users
waiting to be pushed out of Ukraine, eh?
something that doesn’t work, easy.
you’re half based, half NoO wE mUsT tRaNsItIoN wItHoUt LoWeR pOlLuTiOn MaTeRiALs
that looks like a fork bomb
guess who declared and lost, Palestine. Israel was fine with the territory they got and once the arab world got greedy they decided to out greedy them.
this is like saying al-qaeda flew two planes in the world trade center as an act of resistance like wtf.
draining republican votes is the solution.
public transport rat
apple maps is good for looking at railway ownership, atleast from the one time i got to use it.
pdf to brainrot