And he’s gonna say he did it all himself
Yup. How long will it last and when it ends, will there be any reports?
It’ll just be the deflection topic for the next 4 years
I’m pretty sure he is the reason why it happened now rather than a few months ago.
There’s a shit ton of liberal denial on this. Trump did make it happen. Not because Netenyahu bent the knee to Trump. But because Trump bullied Netenyahu. And had Biden not been a psychopath, he could have picked up the phone and stopped the senseless slaughter of Palestinians on day one.
This is not to say that things are still going to be extremely bleak for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza but Democrats fumbled the ball on this and ensured themselves a loss.
He didn’t bully him, he made him a deal he couldnt refuse with the greenlight to go full steam ahead on the west bank and return to gaza once the heats died down
Lol, as if Biden was stopping them from doing anything in West Bank. They don’t need a “green light”, they’ve had it for decades
As usual, Trump claims credit for something he had nothing to do with:
Reagan did it first
Nixon did it before Reagan.
Shit-birds of a feather, Bo Bandy
will start on Sunday, January 19
“Starting on Sunday we won’t hate you as much anymore. Until then, fuck you.”
Damn dawgs, Trump campaigned saying that he would fix this as a mere president-elect. This is my “wow holy shit” face, actually seeing it happen maybe :O
Ok so he said same about Russia, let’s see it