Downvotes are not for disagreements.
Downvotes are not for disagreements.
I’d swap tuesday and thursday, and sunday and saturday. SMTWTWFS
You’re talkin’ bout me. Yeah, I was pretty impressed when Trump got a cease-fire so quickly. Thought he might actually be better in this respect than Harris. Sadly I was wrong – I’ll admit that.
Ohh. Hmm. It’s far-fetched but I suppose it’s plausible.
I have heard they are rigged with explosives, but that could just be hearsay. I wouldn’t work in a building rigged with explosives. I also don’t understand why TSMC would voluntarily self-destruct in such a situation. I don’t get the incentive.
To me, the Victorian era doesn’t feel that long ago. It had gothic horror novels, root beer, telephones, and cameras. I was recently talking with somebody who personally knew somebody who was a pioneer in the 1860s. In comparison, Ancient Rome or Mesopotamia feels really freaking long ago.
The world’s largest semiconductor foundry, and one of the primary reasons the U.S. maintains a hold on Taiwan. There are rumours that the US has a plan to blow it up in case of Chinese invasion, that’s how valuable it is. So this quite a reversal of strategy.
Handmaid’s tale.
You can find people in a good mood, but not on Lemmy :P
Can you link me to more information about there being south korean troops in ukraine? I knew about the north korean troops.
There are bad things happening in the world, conflicts, ecological disasters, economic upheavels, and political upheavals. It’s easy to look at these bad things and assume things are much worse than they are. Nobody wants there to be a world war 3.
Biden could have done this for ages but didn’t. Instead he just sent another 8 billion in weapons to Israel.
I suppose OP is proposing a wealth tax.
I can see that, but surely it still comes across as worse with the man being older and the woman younger?
You could call her and have a conversation and say that you aren’t interested in dating, that you don’t want to give her the wrong idea, but you can be friends. (At 32/2+7=23, it’s outside of what is generally considered an acceptable age gap.)
I don’t see why flipping the genders makes that more obviously wrong.
60 seconds in 24 hours seems too prone to the possibility of a false positive. What if you forget and take a nap? What if there’s a power outage? What if your phone breaks unexpectedly?
Exactly. Talking. Violence isn’t going to make more leftists.
That said, call me paranoid but I think three-letter organizations are the main obstacle to organizing. I don’t know what to do about that.
Downvotes are for low-quality content, bad-faith content, etc.
Most bright-line example of this is: if OP asks “what’s your favourite fruit” and somebody says “bananas,” don’t downvote it just because you dislike bananas.
It gets harder when somebody says something you disagree with politically, but argues it well and in good faith. I would still not downvote in this circumstance.
For an example of when I would downvote: if OP asks “do bananas contain potassium?” and commenter says “No, only potatoes contain potassium.” – this is low quality content, they could have confirmed their answer with a quick google search.