That’s not the reason we lost. It’s because our party don’t do shit. That’s it. Everyone is afraid of what trump is going to do but what was done to prevent it? Nothing. We have a weak party with weak politicians.
So if the party did more, people wouldn’t be googling “is the current president running for president?” the day before election? I don’t really see how the party trying harder in the right way would fix people’s innate ignorance.
The DNC deserves a ton of blame, but 2024 has taught me there is no democracy without an educated population, and ours is not educated.
They don’t know because the party provides no tangible benefits to them. Nothing to improve their lives directly. Passing UBI would have won this election in a landslide because it reminds people monthly what the party did for them.
You think the people who didn’t even realize that Biden wasn’t running are adamantly keeping tabs on the status of UBI? Because even if it was passed in a legislative miracle, Republicans would take credit, and they would believe them. I don’t agree that this would sway the “wait, did biden drop out? What’s black tea?” voters.
No clue. But maybe try something. Instead Harris just ran on Trump ending democracy and vote for her because Trump is bad. And then everyone acted like he didn’t have a chance at winning (just like they did with Hillary). I saw this coming from a mile away. Glad I voted for de la Cruz this time.
What are you talking about? I was definitely going to vote and there is no way in hell I was going to vote for someone complicit to funding genocide. Everyone that says they are against what Israel is doing and then voting for Harris or trump is complicit too.
Dude Harris lost by so much it would not have made a difference. And did you see what you just wrote? I knew my candidate was going to lose. I knew yours was too. I won’t support genocide. Nazis support genocide.
That’s not the reason we lost. It’s because our party don’t do shit. That’s it. Everyone is afraid of what trump is going to do but what was done to prevent it? Nothing. We have a weak party with weak politicians.
So if the party did more, people wouldn’t be googling “is the current president running for president?” the day before election? I don’t really see how the party trying harder in the right way would fix people’s innate ignorance.
The DNC deserves a ton of blame, but 2024 has taught me there is no democracy without an educated population, and ours is not educated.
They don’t know because the party provides no tangible benefits to them. Nothing to improve their lives directly. Passing UBI would have won this election in a landslide because it reminds people monthly what the party did for them.
You think the people who didn’t even realize that Biden wasn’t running are adamantly keeping tabs on the status of UBI? Because even if it was passed in a legislative miracle, Republicans would take credit, and they would believe them. I don’t agree that this would sway the “wait, did biden drop out? What’s black tea?” voters.
People are gonna realize pretty fucking quick just how wrong this is.
What would they need to do to prevent it?
No clue. But maybe try something. Instead Harris just ran on Trump ending democracy and vote for her because Trump is bad. And then everyone acted like he didn’t have a chance at winning (just like they did with Hillary). I saw this coming from a mile away. Glad I voted for de la Cruz this time.
So you couldn’t even be bothered to look up Harris’ platform
What are you talking about? I was definitely going to vote and there is no way in hell I was going to vote for someone complicit to funding genocide. Everyone that says they are against what Israel is doing and then voting for Harris or trump is complicit too.
Well congrats on helping Trump get in office to help stop genocide.
Dude Harris lost by so much it would not have made a difference. And did you see what you just wrote? I knew my candidate was going to lose. I knew yours was too. I won’t support genocide. Nazis support genocide.
You did no matter how you voted. That’s the sad reality we find ourselves in.
You couldn’t even be bothered looking up de la Cruz platform.