Because it was G8. They changed the name to G7 after Russia got the boot.
Because it was G8. They changed the name to G7 after Russia got the boot.
I mean, not exactly… A lower court could rule that a law is unconstitutional, and SCOTUS could decide to not hear the case.
Unless you’re talking about guns. Then they’ll tell you how important the Constitution is to them.
Lol this happens to me with TV shows. I usually just say “fuck it,” after rewinding three times and forgetting to pay attention to hear the one line I missed, and just let it play.
Quite the claim…
Democrat from New Jersey, Andy Kim, voted to confirm Kristi Noem. Do not really care that his vote would not have changed the outcome, that is completely unacceptable.
For one, not voting to confirm the most awful, dangerous, unqualified cabinet nominees this nation has ever seen. That would have been a good start.
Jesus. Basically 2:1…
That’s the one I saw. Fucking 🤡
Yeah, $2 million is nothing to the federal government. This is 100% about cruelty.
The shills left the day after the election. The people that remain are useful idiots who refuse to accept the consequences of their actions.
Legalisation of marijuana
Ridiculous take.
When you become an adult, 18 year old girls start to seem like literal children. And most normal people aren’t into that shit.
He only did it because he could without it changing the result.
This shit terrifies me the most. We are making ourselves so vulnerable.
The world is truly a worse place because he’s in it.
We are currently sending people there for much less
Then make them switch it off.
I hate to even say it, but I believe McConnell actually voted against at least one of the recent nominees.
However, the only reason he did was because he knew that he could without tipping the balance. If it was a close vote, he absolutely would have gotten in line.
Not a single one of Trump’s nominees is in any way even close to qualified for their position. It’s basically a prerequisite.