Obviously not right now…
Obviously not right now…
I don’t even have discord.
Damn that’s cool
I am so sorry that sounds like a fucked up childhood
I mean many people have to find this out themselves but smoking is highly addictive and you’ll regret having started for the rest of your life…
Hell yes, it’s good to be prepared!
hey why does everyone have the noodles on their head???//
It’s not real. Could be anything
Oh yeah I think that generally mastodon is far nicer
That’s the biggest annoyance with mastodon
Yes I support pretty much any means, but so far nothing really worked
Nah that doesn’t feel right. There still is room for change. It’s too late to avoid all, but not too late to avoid any bad stuff
Yes obv but what else can be tried to stop it?
What now? Nothing seems to help to get the population and politicians to care
It’s mostly shitty pre WW2 buildings… They do look nice and give the city character I guess.
come to berlin nobody here is friendly
Who cares about London