The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
I’m not wrong. I used to be a vegetarian. There are different types. Some eat eggs and or milk and some don’t. Most don’t eat eggs, but some do.
From Google:
While a precise percentage is difficult to pinpoint, it’s estimated that a significant portion of vegetarians, particularly in the West, do eat eggs, often identifying as lacto-ovo vegetarians.
This is a common type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, poultry, and seafood, but includes dairy products and eggs.
In some cultures and religions, like Hinduism, vegetarianism often excludes eggs, while in the West, it’s more common to see vegetarians who include eggs in their diet.