• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Yeah, in some ways they are worse than donvict voters - at least right now some of those people seem to be waking up and whining “I didn’t vote for this” as the leopards eat their faces because they are extremely low-info about how things work and lack systems-style thinking. And it may be that at least some of them will have learned something from voting for the likes of donvict.

    Meanwhile, on the faux leftist side of things, they generally are more aware of the consequences of what donvict actually ran on (and the goblins around him will actually do), and yet, they suffer from just enough Dunning-Kruger in the morality department to still be proud that they “didn’t vote for genocide” (JFC) and are actually taunting others for being “shills” and other silly claims.
