For example, Marmite Crumpets don’t exist. You cannot buy them at the supermarket. To be clear: you can buy crumpets, you can buy marmite, you can buy butter; but you have to assemble them at home.
If you walk into a breakfast cafe, they will happily serve you sausage / egg / bacon / french toast / bubble / squeak (whatever that is). But no marmite crumpets. If you ask them to make it, they will give you a very strange look. It’s not typically offered. It’s something you just have to make at home.
It is unbuyable. Any tourist who comes to the UK to try a Marmite crumpet would need to bring a toaster or an oven with them, or quickly befriend a brit and hope that they have all the ingredients at home.
It’s not a secret. You just can’t have it.
*munches into crumpet thoughtfully, and salivates at the juicy savory delight, whilst staring at you pityingly and condescendingly*
Anyway, what’s something that I could never experience unless I made it myself in your local?
Ha! We can get marmite and vegemite here in the states. And they’re both fucking delicious when used right.
But, you can’t get applebutter anything in the wild around here. Might be possible elsewhere, but I haven’t run across it.
Not sure what is and isn’t a thing elsewhere, but applebutter isa strongly spiced apple product used as a spread. It’s sweet rather than savory. It typically features cloves, cinnamon and allspice as the main spices, in varying proportions. It is also fucking amazing.
But you won’t find it in restaurants at all.
There is a great southern tradition of applebutter biscuits. Biscuits here, again in case it isn’t known, are a fluffy, light, scone-like quickbread. And it’s similar to your scenario. Places could offer that as a menu option and bring it to you. They could possibly make a deal for individual packets of it like exist for jelly, and bring that with biscuits. But nobody does.
It’s one of those things that if you came over here, you can’t find it in restaurants. Even worse, while you can buy commercially made applebutter (there’s a few brands out there) they are all inferior to even mid tier homemade applebutter. So you can’t even buy the experience the way people can at home. You can’t just go out and buy Whitehouse applebutter and get the right texture and taste on your biscuits (or toast, or crumpets).
The commercially made options are all too thin for one thing. They don’t spread like applebutter is supposed to. It’s supposed to have a thick consistency, closer to something like a jam or preserve. The commercial stuff is also over-homogeneous and too finely textured. Homemade is going to have small chunks of softened apple as opposed to a blended texture.
The spice mix in store bought also tends to be both blander and too , I dunno, even? Homemade, you get layers of the spices. Store bought, you get one layer, there’s no depth to it. Part of that is it being made in huge batches, and part is the longer time from jar to your mouth; so I can’t say it’s anything the makers have cheaped out on or anything. But it is not as good as what you make yourself (or someone’s grammy makes).
Also, marmite and applebutter on toast is absurd in how good it is. The savory and salty bang of marmite with a spoonful of sweet, spicy applebutter on top will make you want to slap yo mama. I find marmite and vegemite don’t do well on biscuits compared to toast, english muffins, or the like. Too much bread for it to really pop unless you do an entire spoonful, at which point it’s too much.
Apple butter is an underrated condiment. I used to eat it on pancakes instead of syrup as a kid, and I put it in oatmeal and such as an adult. I don’t have it often nowadays, but there’s a place that produces it and other fruit butters nearby, and there’s occasionally some other brands in stores and roadside shops.
For those that haven’t had it, I guess imagine baked apples or an apple dumpling but reduced down so it is super concentrated into something spreadable.
Cracker Barrel gives you biscuits before they bring out your meal and you can request Apple Butter for them. I think usually they bring out sausage gravy.
I remember the apple butter being ok, but nothing like the homemade stuff cooked over a fire and stirred continously for 12 hours.
No joke? I haven’t been to a cracker barrel in ages. I had no clue they offer it. Thanks :)
Yeah, it looks like they may charge for it now. It’s $.50 on their online menu under extras.
Eey, I make apple butter! It’s great. I do know some places you can buy it though…roadside stands! Farmer stalls or markets. Though those may be more common here, being the garden state. Still better making it at home, get to pick the apples and how much you let it cook down!
Have you tried Branston pickle in a cheese sandwich?
No, but I’ll be looking to see if I can obtain those. I really do love trying stuff like that. It doesn’t always turn out that I like it, but even a bad experience is a good experience, if you dig.
Awww yeah, the Publix two towns over has it. And I looked at the ingredients, I think I’m going to love it
It is a unique taste, like how marmite is. I would say worchestershire sauce hints mixed with sweet and sour veg. Great with a sharp chedder cheese
I’m eager to try it. Roads are screwed here currently, but I’m making a trip in a few days, and getting some ))
That description makes me more hyped, btw. It sounds amazing.
Oh no. Gotta set expectations low, so you aren’t disappointed :)
Oh, my fucking gods!
I’m taking a break from shoving a biscuit with cheese and the branston into my maw to say thank you.
This stuff is bonkers. Sweet, salty, tangy, hints of bitterness, and plenty of umami. It’s like the perfect flavor bomb.
This stuff could remove chowchow from its throne as the most versatile pickled product. It’s different from chowchow, and those differences are (I think) going to let it enhance more things as well as being amazing on its own.
Thank you so much for suggesting it!
Heh. Glad you liked it. It is unique for sure. I don’t think I have tried chowchow.
Chowchow is a southern thing mostly.
There’s a brand called Mrs Campbell’s that’s almost as good as some homemade. Runs a little sweeter than most homemade, but not horribly so.
It’s kind of like sauerkraut and kimchi had a baby.
A lot of folks will have it on everything they eat, even stuff like steak that shouldn’t have much on it at all. It is versatile though. Burgers, beans, fried fish, salads, sandwiches, soups, you name it and it tends to go well.
Here in Louisiana it’s pretty common
I’ve had apple butter single serve tubs at diners. It’s not as good as homemade but I can and have had apple butter biscuits at a diner.
Its pretty dang common in the south! Youll find it along side every highway when travelling between states and Tennessee is pretty big on it
I can literally go to any diner around me and there will be individually packaged containers of apple butter, usually next to whatever little packages of jelly they have on offer. I’m sorry you’ve suffered without for so long not noticing them
Dude. Are you aware that the way you wrote that seems dickish as hell?
No? Wasn’t aware I needed to police my tone in a discussion about apple butter. The person I wrote it to seemed to really like it, so I was sorry they went so long not noticing it is, in fact, everywhere. I’m not sure exactly what part of my comment is setting people off, but it’s cool I guess.
Eh, there is a limit to how much any of us need to worry about tone for sure. That’s why I asked rather than assuming you were being a dick on purpose.
But the phrasing definitely comes off more sarcastic than sharing a regret about not having a chance to enjoy something.
No worries, you say you were being genuine, I believe you :)
That being said, it isn’t everywhere. It’s obviously not common in my local area, since I wouldn’t have made the comment if it was. That could be put off to rural and semi-rural areas not wanting to spend on those individual packets for another product. But it is also true of the nearest cities to me that I’ve spent enough time in to have sampled all the country food friendly diners and such. I wouldn’t expect to see it at something like a chain restaurant normally (though apparently cracker barrel does offer it!), but the kind of short order, soul food, and country cookin places, it’s definitely not the norm here. I’ve asked places if they have it before, so it isn’t like they had it but didn’t bring it automatically.