Yes, this is an adequate amount of cat to snuggle at one timw.
Is this what heaven looks like?
When I die, this is the way I want to go.
This is the best thing I’ve seen this morning. What a great way to take a break. Love those happy kitties.
Holy hell that is a lot of cats
Reminds me of the fast food restaurant in Escondido, CA where about 50 feral cats live (outside, next to the Del Taco). We could lay down and get covered too.
Pic reminds me of the cat cafe down the road. Your comment reminds me of the cat park in the town i grew up in. You can dump out a few piles of food then 20-70 cats/raccoons/ and possums would come out of the trees to eat. It was a wonderful place
Everyone gets a ride!
What sweethearts, all getting along and snuggling
Awe orange boy reminds me of my cat. Just so happy to sit on top of someone.
Oh my allergies! Definitely worth it though!
Careful or they’ll steal your life essence!
Is that heaven
Looks like it to me.
I Want to visit a shelter and do that so bad, not enough kitties in my life