• STOMPYI@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I see ypur view. I am saying there is no free sandbox of the mind where you can watch or think of harm with it harming you. It may be very subtle or take a long time to accumulate bit it’s effects will present themselves on all your actions.

    I beleive you are what ypu consume. The animal part of our brain also sees what our logical cortex sees but doesn’t have logic or reason it just knows its okay to see something that is hurt. My opinions stem from deep Buddhist beleifs of karma or if you’d rather Hubbermans idea of a Reticular Activitng System RAS being pre loaded with content. You view a mountain stream for a day or look at slapstick for a day and put those two people down for dinner and see how different they are. Or as Rumi said WHAT YPU SEEK IS AEEKING YOU, or as common ideas have said ypu become your five closes friends, you are what you eat. The body is a collection of earth we’ve assembled the mind is a collection of experience. A mind full of slapstick will be slapstick. A mind full of peace and actual joyous humor will be peaceful and joyous.

    I know this isn’t the place, which is why I deleted my "this isn’t funny " comment that spurred this. No one cares about actual spiritual growth just funny ow my balls type shit we see on that documentary Idoicracy.