Freedom is a synthetic enterprise, not a natural gift
It’s still in alpha, so maybe, I guess you could open an issue and ask about it, maybe even help. 😁
I think another difference is that Movary has some more social features, web sites to track the media you consume often allow you to follow people with the same tastes, see how other people rated things, have recommendations, stats, etc.
Is there a public deployment of it?
Well, suppossedly what they would offer doesn’t seem to change things much:
Future Pricing Plans
We have a few product ideas we have experimented with that would be paid add-ons to the current service: collaborative tools, AI integration, translation tools, and premium text to speech voices. Of these features, the premium text to speech voices are the only one that are currently available in the app, as part of our “ultra realistic voices” beta.
Really cool, would you ever consider contributing to their extension and adding that feature to theirs?
It seems there was an issue with some of the things needed for the extension to be on the store, they already sent the fix to Mozilla and are waiting for them to response, this happened on Friday so most likely they will reply this week.
Yes, because the US has never been involved in imperialism in Latinamerica, this has to be fake because US good.
I will try to remember this in 6 months.
Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, northern Mexico which is now Texas, all of this without taking into account that the US is itself a settler state that massacred all its indigenous population and that literally inspired Nazi Germany. I haven’t even mentioned territories which are still colonies to this day by Europe by the way.
Releasing files of black ops you did 50 years ago is not being open about it, the US would never publish black ops they are doing now because otherwise it would undermine the effects of such proxy wars. Furthermore, much of what we now is not so much releasing that information but because there are brave whistleblowers who release information regarding the war crimes.
Still, I don’t see how the fact that some other countries do maybe similar stuff, since again it is all theories since until information is released we cannot confirm anything (not that I doubt some countries do fund military groups) that doesn’t make my statement that the West has the biggest and most illustrious history of funding terrorist groups in what they deem enemies of the West.
Do you mean like when Julian Assange published papers demonstrating that the US soldiers were killing civilians for fun and then they extradited him, imprisoned, also imprisoned Manning and wanted to keep everything a mistery?
Least brainwashed Westerner.
Yeah, like, the US should stop producing so many guns and do something about school shootings and start feeding their poor and homeless. I’ve read about Atlanta I think and there are giant camps of homeless people living in tents. Utterly disgusting.
How would you prevent the US from doing such things? That would mean turning Europe against its biggest ally and it’s not something I see feasible, giving they are the country that most wars and invasions has caused, and the fact that throughout history Europe hasn’t done anything to prevent such things tells me it’s not something that’s going to change. Your example only works because it’s a common enemy for both the US and Europe.
You are right, they’re only the biggest and more illustrious example of such behaviour.
Yes, Western governments that fund terrorist groups in “enemies of the State” that later turn against the US and the US “needs” to go an invade those countries to “liberate” the region.
The myth of overpopulation is one propagated by the bourgeoisie in order for them to be able to kill certain percentage of the working class.
Basically, since labour is a commodity in the market, they need for it to have a surplus, so that thanks to supply and demand the price of labour goes down, and they can have cheap worker from where to choose. It’s what Marx called the “army of the unemployed”. At the same time, the bourgeoisie cannot allow for too many unemployed to exist, since otherwise there would be too much discontent and the working class would protest, or worse, and it’s counterproductive for them. They need a delicate balance of employed middle class people and unemployed lumpenproletariat or low class people. The resources are there to feed everyone, we have worked out the scarcity issue, it’s all artificial.
We indeed need young and productive people, but the reason why recent trends of natality have gone down is because living prices have gone up so drastically that people cannot afford to reproduce any more, and choose not to have children. There’s no need for the elderly to go away, a source of income for young people could be precisely to take care of them, we just need to stop sustaining and working for a parasitic class that the only thing it does is live off the work of other people.
Hey, it also has more features which was something I was looking for, too. Sadly it’s proprietary, but well, it’s better at least and it doesn’t have such a strange name like this one.