I was a counter battery radar operator. The systems I used 20 years ago had these neat things called electronic counter measures. I guess russia never got the message that it’s not a smart idea to radiate in a zone with anti-radiation missiles.
I was a counter battery radar operator. The systems I used 20 years ago had these neat things called electronic counter measures. I guess russia never got the message that it’s not a smart idea to radiate in a zone with anti-radiation missiles.
but I think (hope?) it’s a net positive.
Definitely a net positive. My friend and I were discussing something similar the other day. He rides motos and I ride downhill and we both learned via youtube. What used to be restricted to people who could afford private lessons or coaching are now available to people even in third world countries. It’s opened up a lot of new horizons for people.
Here in colombia eggs cost ~$3 for a dozen.
It’s why I switched to DuckDuckGo. At least there I can find the result in a few pages. Google doesn’t even respect operators anymore. Want to search for enterprise but don’t want car ads? Good luck finding captain Picard through all that nonsense.
And the wind or lack thereof.
Wait until you hear about bicycles.
2003 is when we invaded.
Spanish is similar. For spanish the word is abecedario.
Tel’aran’rhiod can be a dangerous place.
That episode is one of the greats.
I once asked Chris Parnell if he knew spanish since he speaks it a lot in Archer. He said they give them phonetic lines and he doesn’t know any languages besides english.
Perhaps it’s just dialectal differences. I live in colombia and what I hear daily is an e sound that rhymes with hey, hay, or may.
Adding the H to some of these letters wouldn’t give the right sound for native english speakers. I would transcribe these vowels using american english like so:
A = ah : rhymes with ma
E = ay : rhymes with hey
I = ee : rhymes with tree
O = oh : rhymes with blow
U = oo : rhymes with shoe
Me gustan los memes españoles.
Also just so you guys know meme is pronounced may-may in spanish. Makes me laugh every time I hear one of my friends say it in spanish.
“The guarantor protocol of Nilda Garré is repealed,” stated Bullrich at the end of her press conference, in reference to the rules governing police actions in the face of protests that was installed in 2011 during the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Garré, who was Minister of Security at the time, established some basic rules of engagement during demonstrations, such as police intervention being deployed in a “progressive” manner, starting with dialogue with the organizers of the protest. The Garré protocol also established the prohibition of officers who might come into direct contact with the demonstrators from carrying firearms, that rubber bullets could only be used “for defensive purposes,” that all officers and their vehicles should be visibly identified, and that the police should guarantee free news coverage of protests without preventing journalists from taking testimonies and photographs. What the repeal of this protocol would entail remains unclear.
Emphasis mine. It’s pretty clear the consequences will be crackdowns on protesters.
Really? None of the oil execs in charge of COP28 want reductions in fossil fuel usage? So weird.
The whole country doesn’t speak french only Quebec does. Similar to Louisiana.
Im just quoting from wikipedia in my comment above so if you don’t like the definition take it up with them.
I never said mexico wasn’t in north america.
That makes it even worse. Why didn’t they set up at night and throw up some camo netting? There are ways to lessen the chances your radar is blown up is all I’m saying. The ruzzians are morons exhibit #4,832.
This was tucked away at the bottom of the article:
So they probably did radiate at the wrong time and paid for it.