Assyria did it before the Romans. They had a general resettlement policy that moved people into mesopotamia. Unless you were talking about Assyria and the Romans as the two.
Assyria did it before the Romans. They had a general resettlement policy that moved people into mesopotamia. Unless you were talking about Assyria and the Romans as the two.
Division is the key but affordability wasn’t why. Everything agricultural was counted by the dozen, gross, and great gross.
Well they could count 6 knuckles on each hand, with one hand representing the dozens place.
Duodecimal is objectively better and that’s why commoners used it.
In this case it’s a commodity so that’s actually hard to do.
You’re discrediting them for something you hadn’t even brought up yet? Those goalposts are on wheels as long as they hold up your self righteous justification to be snarky on the Internet huh?
My guy, food not bombs explicitly is a mutal aid network and they’re specifically discrediting your attempt to discredit them because they have eaten out of dumpsters. But sure, it’s everybody else that’s wildly out of touch in this conversation.
They’re talking about establishing mutual aid networks, not relying on existing ones.
Sure, from their perspective it’s an echo chamber for tulip lovers. In the end it’s a subjective pejorative, not necessarily a hard descriptive.
What if I told you that all states built on nationalism are illegitimate.
His point was that in this specific issue Trump wasn’t worse. You’re acting like a lame duck president got the ceasefire, but that’s frankly delusional. The Knesset knew they were getting trump, Biden didn’t achieve anything different. Israel is just doing what it’s internal politics directs it to. You’re arguing for a distinction on this issue without an actual difference.
So you’re saying established rules are flippant? Or is it just because you don’t agree with this one?
They’ve enforced that as a slur for a very long time.
Make smuggling contraband across the great lakes great again.
It’s a social taboo for a person to try to “pass” as another race and fail. It’s common for people to have a mismatch between their personal identifying race and what others assign to them. Passing as white, for example, was always historically fraught. It could often lead to ostracization from all sides. The same is true of trying to pass as black. There’s a similar issue with trying to pass as another class (another social construct). It’s not fundamentally immoral to violate social constructs though.
There’s very few labels for groups of people that aren’t social constructs. Ethnicity is also a social construct, for example, and it’s quite different from the nebulous concept of race.
I don’t like progressive used that way because historically progressivism was just about an ideology that was results driven and often independent of other labels. There were progressive conservatives like Teddy Roosevelt and the Nelson Rockefeller Republicans in America (though the progressive conservatives in Canada are anything but). They were fundamentally centrist liberals though, essentially a watered down evolution of the historical French radical liberalism/radical whigs. Merkel, for example, called herself a progressive and she was a Christian Democrat.
It’s still an algorithm.
It’s a basic symptom of the social contract falling apart. Arguing that in reality everybody who didn’t vote is happy with the outcome is a fine way to argue yourself into not understanding the real state of the country and what options there are for resistance. An actual mandate vs the teetering corpse of a failed democracy are two very different things.