
  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • It’s a social taboo for a person to try to “pass” as another race and fail. It’s common for people to have a mismatch between their personal identifying race and what others assign to them. Passing as white, for example, was always historically fraught. It could often lead to ostracization from all sides. The same is true of trying to pass as black. There’s a similar issue with trying to pass as another class (another social construct). It’s not fundamentally immoral to violate social constructs though.

  • I don’t like progressive used that way because historically progressivism was just about an ideology that was results driven and often independent of other labels. There were progressive conservatives like Teddy Roosevelt and the Nelson Rockefeller Republicans in America (though the progressive conservatives in Canada are anything but). They were fundamentally centrist liberals though, essentially a watered down evolution of the historical French radical liberalism/radical whigs. Merkel, for example, called herself a progressive and she was a Christian Democrat.