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Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Man, there’s gotta be something more to this.

    Remember all that fuss about how a retired general said that the U.S. and other governments have crashed alien ships they’ve been studying? Does isreal have, like, the least damaged ships or something? Like, wtf does isreal possibly have that the U.S. is so beholden to it? It just can’t be that isreal “is a historically important religious site,” because that’s just stupid. We don’t spend Billions of dollars a year to maintain the fucking Vatican, and we certainly wouldn’t while it’s actively engaging in genocide and aparthied. So why are we doing it for isreal?

    Gotta be aliens.

  • The UN Peace Keeping Force is there for a number of things, but mainly to Keep the Peace.

    They help citizens in a crisis, they monitor for illegal activity (including war crimes), and help with aid distribution. Their efforts are being hindered by the idf:

    UNIFIL has said previous Israeli attacks on a watchtower, cameras, communications equipment and lighting had limited its monitoring abilities. U.N. sources say they fear any violations of international law in the conflict will be impossible to monitor.

  • I hate this. When I was first hired, I really poured in a lot of effort. I took on extra projects, did extra work, trying to get ahead. But every extra project I completed would get sent to a supervisor and manager, they would absolutely wreck it asking for changes that made little to no difference, but took a lot of time to implement. And then they would just… keep requesting additional changes. for months. back and forth and back and forth.

    I got so sick of it, I don’t volunteer for fucking anything anymore. Oh, you want my input on this document you’ve changed as it affects how I do my job? Like I give a shit. Whatever I say will just get garbled and edited and ultimately you’ll just do whatever the fuck you want anyway so… No. I won’t suggest any edits or redline your document. I don’t care anymore. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it till my shift ends.

    Just a bunch of middle managers who all want to look at fancy spreadsheets so they can appear to know what’s happening on the manufacturing floor instead of, ya know, actually going down to the floor. Then they all can pretend to know what’s going on to their higher up, who is in turn using that to pretend to know what’s going on to their higher up, each one knowing less and less, until you get to the CEO or Site head that knows absolutely fuck all about what’s going on, with even less of a clue on how to influence it, all because they don’t want to actually visit the floor or talk to the poors running their machines.

    I went from running my own business to this garbage, and although the steady middle class paycheck is nice, I regret it every day.

  • It began in earnest in the early 1960s, when a group of scientists embarked on a mission to drill down from a floating barge, called Cuss I, to the border between the crust, the Earth’s outermost layer, and the mantle, the next and thickest layer. Project Mohole, as it was known, was recorded by the novelist and amateur oceanographer John Steinbeck in an article for Life magazine. “This is the opening move in a long-term plan of exploration of the unknown two-thirds of our planet that lies under the sea,” he wrote. “We know less about this area than we do about the moon.”

    A scientific endeavor started over 60 years ago, that has been producing real invaluable scientific data to model our changing climate, is being axed.

    The NSF attributed its decision to end its funding to rising costs and a lack of financial support from the International Ocean Discovery Program’s partners. But many see the expenditure for the ship as paltry compared with its benefits. To put it in perspective, the total NSF budget for 2023 was close to $10bn (£7.5bn); the $71m spent on the Joides is 0.7% of that.

    For the amount of discovery we’re getting from the Joides, the cost of running it seems paltry in comparison.

    A bill proposed to the House in July asked the NSF to use $60m to continue operating the vessel for at least three missions next year.

    Hopefully this passes!

  • Nice to know that he at least can acknowledge reality?

    But behind it is a state dept that is ignoring it’s own studies rank indictment of isreals murderous actions in order to keep feeding the beast. Maybe it’s some far-flung plan to give isreal and netenyahoo all the rope they need to hang themselves, becoming global outcasts, which would then force them into accepting a two-state solution… Or the problem is a lot simpler.

    The records and interviews also show that the pressure to keep the arms pipeline moving also comes from the U.S. military contractors who make the weapons. Lobbyists for those companies have routinely pressed lawmakers and State Department officials behind the scenes to approve shipments both to Israel and other controversial allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. When one company executive pushed his former subordinate at the department for a valuable sale, the government official reminded him that strategizing over the deal might violate federal lobbying laws, emails show.

    Weapons sales are a pillar of American foreign policy in the Middle East. Historically, the U.S. gives more money to Israel for weapons than it does to any other country. Israel spends most of those American tax dollars to buy weapons and equipment made by U.S. arms manufacturers.

    Don’t forget, while Biden and his state dept. is in charge of investigating and ensuring the proper use of these weapons, it’s congress that’s approving it. A congress that is balls-deep invested in U.S. weapons manufacturers.

    For Israel and NATO allies, if the sale is worth at least $100 million for weapons or $25 million for equipment, Congress also gets final approval.

    The most widely held defense contractor stock among senators and representatives is Honeywell, an American company that makes sensors and guiding devices that are being used by the Israeli military in its airstrikes in Gaza. The second most commonly held defense stock by Congress is RTX, formerly known as Raytheon, the company that makes missiles for Israel’s Iron Dome, among other weapons systems. - Sludge Article

  • Went to a local fair today in rural NC, and they had an entire tent set up for mark robinson. The self avowed nazi who wishes slavery was allowed, and who rails against abortion, but paid for one himself. that mark robinson. He had a tent, and it wasn’t actively being set on fire or run out of town. The man posted on the comments section of a porn website about how he wanted slaves, and how he likes trans porn, while being a huge transphobe.

    It’s hard to take the right seriously in any way. They’re just a bunch of clowns.

  • I feel your pain, man. I once spent months planning a costume Halloween party. Spent over a grand in decorations alone, just spooky-ing up the house like crazy. Got special desserts made, sent out invitations through email and instagram, a freaking flyer with the info, did an online poll to make sure I was doing it on the right weekend so the most people could attend, texted my best friend at the time like, everyday for weeks making sure he at least came.

    Come the night of, almost every single person had cancelled, and my (former) best friend just didn’t want to make the 35 minute commute, so he didn’t even come.

    Sent out another instagram message to everyone with my original party flyer but with a big “Cancelled” written across it. Ended up slowly eating all the snacks party treats over the course of a week or so. Cleaned up the decorations, and realized that now that I’m divorced, people see me different, with less respect. It’s been a difficult transition, and I’m thinking about just packing up and moving to a whole new area, to make new friends, because that shit SUCKED.

    I know that the majority of them had good excuses, but the few that didn’t… man. Yeah it really hurt, and now 2 years later I rarely if ever make time for those “friends.” I’ve just spent more time on myself, growing and becoming more comfortable in my solitude. I’m at a place where, despite a lot of present difficulties, I like myself. I’m proud of who I am, and am slowly putting myself out there more (while also planning on getting the hell out of dodge lol)

  • The same cognitive dissonance that allows them to both act on, and excuse instances of molestation in their community/family, is the very same driver of their wanton disregard of the people harmed by republican policies. They see any instances of pedophilia in their ranks as “just a bad apple,” while they identify an entire race of people as rapists if a single news report shows a member of that race/minority group committing such an act. It’s entirely predicated on their belief that they are superior, and it is because of something inherent within them, that does not exist in others. They judge themselves not by their actions (and consequences of said actions) but by their intentions, while they have no such qualms demonizing any number of minority groups for the actions of a single member.

    so, short answer, yes.

    Long answer, yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

  • Why does it need to be equal to population?

    Because I was responding to the previous commenter that cited specifically those numbers.

    I get what you’re saying, that other cultures are not as tolerant, and when said culture pops up in a previously tolerant area, it can cause tensions. To that I’d say that we have a system of government enforcing laws in a uniform manner across a region precisely because not everyone agrees uniformly. You can’t strip away the freedom to be wrong, you can only enforce rules that support equity, safety, and inclusion, and do so especially within local populations that seem to eschew it.

    But also, not all migrants are intolerant. So assuming that they 1. are, and 2. will stay that way, is a xenophobic dog whistle.