There’s a name for this type of napping but it escapes me.
Non-degradable bio
There’s a name for this type of napping but it escapes me.
That’s not much fun.
I’m guessing this fits Mildew’s mold?
The busiest man in Saudi Arabia
Many developers (especially popular apps) like to go into great detail, like this…
I’m not normally a conspiracy guy but I have an old app that I swear they update (but not really) just so that people think it is active.
They just want to make sure it’s safe to die in.
Yes. I live in a larger metropolitan area and there were both white and yellow (business) page editions that were 2 1/2 inches thick each.
Also found nearby…
If you just leave it there it’s likely to overcook. Take it out when it’s done and enjoy.
This is diasturbing news.
I don’t see any crew in the shot. Guess everyone was smoking.
Not really.
Putting both handles on a single pole promotes bad form.
I wouldn’t think it would be a problem. If you’re concerned you can siphon some out through the dipstick opening.
It’s a blood blister like u/MyPornViewingAccount suggested. Best to do nothing. It will go away.
Yes. If the poster had done that, this would have been extremely difficult to figure out.
Invite the neighbors.
Someone has just died multiple times.
Don’t forget how high you get.