I was going to agree, but I haven’t had Brach’s candy corn in a while, every so often those large companies change the formula to make things cheaper* so it’s hard to be sure.
*latest fad
I was going to agree, but I haven’t had Brach’s candy corn in a while, every so often those large companies change the formula to make things cheaper* so it’s hard to be sure.
*latest fad
My BFF had this skill: whenever they sang an Elvis tune (like “Blue Moon”) their cats would start humping. They weren’t singing it weird, maybe a little more warbly than normal. Anyway, we were in this zoo once, and I said, “I wonder if that lion would react to your Elvis songs the same way your cats do!” I was just kidding, but my BFF started singing the same way and that lion suddenly became VERY alert and stared right at us. I started wondering if a properly motivated lion could leap that gap that was keeping us separated, and what I would do if it reached us. Anyway, my point is: it depends on how you sing it.
Mr Auld-Thomas and his colleagues named the city Valeriana after a nearby lagoon.
It is “hidden in plain sight”, the archaeologists say, as it is just 15 minutes hike from a major road near Xpujil where mostly Maya people now live.
This archeologist just discovered a Maya city, and they decided to call it “Valeriana” (in the language of the conquistadors) insted of something like “Xpujil” (in the language of the people who still live there.)
They’re not thinking big enough. They should call it “openai.com” and go for corporate sponsorship!
If you look at the meaning of the word “early” there are several senses.
You’re right, but just to rephrase:
It’s OK dog. The thing is, you figured it out. You’re better off than those that never figured it out. Now you just gotta move on from where you’re at.
Choices - we make them, chances - we take them
Some are mistakes, some we celebrate them
We don’t look back, cause so much we facin
I always stay proud of myself, I’m yelling, “Fuck regret!”
FWIW I only ever used those services if they accepted a prepaid credit card. OpenAI didn’t accept prepaid cards when I tried, not sure about Poe. Just something to think about.
Emo nights are a thing around the US, not sure about the crowd age.
Sometimes when you try to subscribe to a community, it’ll just keep saying “request pending” but if you look in your list of subscribed communities you’ll see it there. I think it’s a known bug.
Side-zip duffel bags are awesome. I had to live across town for a couple days, and 90% of my clothes fit in two largeish bags.
Cable management is for work. In my happy place, I just let my cables run wild.
There was [email protected] but people dislike that hilariouschaos instance for some reason.
Xanax would probably help, but be careful using it for the first time because sometimes it can make one just fall asleep.
I think a general anesthetic, where they just knock you completely out, is usually considered unnecessary for a root canal, but you can ask. If you have anti-anxiety pills prescribed, that might work, just let the dentist know beforehand. Some places have movies or some other kind of “patient distraction” because yeah, it can get a little unnerving hearing all those sounds.
Like everyone else, I agree that pain management can be pretty good these days. For me the experience was:
Good luck, let us know how it goes!