How would she react to you asking her about the qualities that go into making a good mahjong set? She might have something particular in mind ☺️
How would she react to you asking her about the qualities that go into making a good mahjong set? She might have something particular in mind ☺️
Are these your cats, OP? Please post a non sad picture so my heart will stop breaking for them 💔🥺
I feel like I’m being baited to mention Nokia
Mobius mouser
I hate that my immediate next thought is, “I should get TWO sandwiches!”
This is actually a pretty good idea. And I bet the sandwich is the least worst part of the meal as far as nutrition and satiation.
That’s a valid reason to be depressed
Recursive Travii
Soap Scrunge!
413 Scrungy customers served
“Yeeted” before words that start with a vowel or an “h”.
“Yote” before words that start with everything else.
I yeeted air from my nose
I don’t know what I was expecting, but that was so much more.
We love you @mycatjyn!
You sound like a wonderful partner ❤️