Regardless of whether you’re medicated/unmedicated, or altered/not altered or any combination of those?

For me, its my hat I like to wear to keep my hair out of my way and contained somewhat lol

Also my pajama shirt(s), no idea why but its been better recently since I moved the “clothes chair” from being the laundry basket in the bathroom (just hanging there) to a dedicated shelf in the closet 😅

    27 days ago

    My earbuds. Or some smaller tools. If I set either of them down I will absolutely lose them somehow. In my toolbox everything has a place dedicated to it and I put things away as soon as I’m done because when I don’t and misplace something everything grinds to a halt for me. I cannot concentrate without knowing where that tool is. Because my earbuds are so portable it’s hard when I put them down or in the wrong pocket even, I will be tearing things apart looking. I have a hook for them by my keys and wallet and watch but I sometimes will just put them down anywhere and they get lost pretty easily.