The longstanding effort to keep extremist forces out of government in Europe is officially over.

For decades, political parties of all kinds joined forces to keep the hard-right far from the levers of power. Today, this strategy — known in France as a cordon sanitaire(or firewall) — is falling apart, as populist and nationalist parties grow in strength across the Continent.

Six EU countries — Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Czech Republic — have hard-right parties in government. In Sweden, the survival of the executive relies on a confidence and supply agreement with the nationalist Sweden Democrats, the second-largest force in parliament. In the Netherlands, the anti-Islamic firebrand Geert Wilders is on the verge of power, having sealed a historic dealto form the most right-wing government in recent Dutch history.

Meanwhile, hard-right parties are dominating the polls across much of Europe. In France, far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is cruising at over 30 percent, far ahead of President Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party, according to POLITICO’s Poll of Polls. Across the Rhine, Alternative for Germany, a party under police surveillance for its extremist views, is polling second, head-to-head with the Social Democrats.

    5 months ago

    Because there is a difference between socialsim and national socialism that is growing. Those people who allow national socialism to grow are mostly media. I believe that most of people who support national socialism are manipulated because of misunderstanding what socialism and what nationalism is so they say hey you’re wearing my country symbols I like you. But they should say hey you’re wearing my country symbols and you’re socialist so get out of my country you nazi scumbag.

    Media today tend to simplify and put equal sign between nationalism and nazism (national socialism) and as a result they allow national socialism to grow instead of nationalism and patriotism to grow and strength the difference between nations but losen the difference between people.

    So if you know who you are and where you belong to and you meet people different to you, you don’t feel bad but respect both other people and yourself because you know where you’re standing.

    And that changed in media to become - everyone is equal (no we’re not), everyone is capable to do anything (no we’re not). They removed work as a way for success and replaced it with being popular and fancy so everyone right now want to be popular not working.

    People forgot who they are, we are bombarded that we are citizens of the world, yet we still live as part of certain nation, certain country and certain land and we should start identify with it or we lose our identity and everything will become haos like you decribe it it doesn’t make any sense to you because you’re bombarded with messages that you belong to the world not bounded by anything.