The universe kinda becomes like a god. All that energy and vibe stuff is like a way of praying. It’s all about faith, not really backed by evidence.

It’s like how I see thunder, so there must be a god of thunder. In this case, seeing vibration and energy (like in String Theory, which still hasn’t been proven) makes me think there’s gotta be some deeper meaning and that it can make my wishes come true.

And of course, there are people out there selling books, spreading fake news, and posing as manifesting professors just to cash in on others’ ignorance.

But hey, for a lot of people, it’s just a way to find hope and relax a bit through positive thinking, focusing on their goals and planning things out. So I’m not trying to bash “believers”, just sharing a shower thought.

    6 months ago

    It’s the belief online that […]

    Well, the idea of the “Law of Attraction” is far older than the internet; I recall reading about it in a book on old timey “magick” teachings many years ago. If I recall correctly, the idea was that the only real “magick” in this world is our attention/willpower. So the things we’re attracted to, or the things that we use our willpower toward or spend our time on, are the things we are “magicking” into existence, so to speak.

    So if one uses their willpower toward helping others and being a positive person, that’s using the law of attraction to the benefit of others and yourself.

    If one uses their willpower to be a total jerk and only look out for themselves, that’s using the law of attraction purely for your own benefit, and maybe to the detriment of others.

    One could also use their willpower to, say, stop smoking cigarettes. That would be using the law of attraction for self improvement.

    That was my understanding of the idea, anyway. Haven’t read about it since then. I liked the book because it was very clear from the beginning that “magick” is no shortcut to real results because “magick” is just human willpower manifested through actions, and anyone who was offering quick solutions via “magick” was a scam artist.

      6 months ago

      I’ve been thinking it’s just a rebranding of the idea of karma, which is old as dirt. “The Law of Attraction” is just the way I’ve seen it discussed online in its most recent manifestation (pun intended)

      6 months ago

      Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must In Perfect love and Perfect Trust

      Eight Words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill “An It Harm None, Do What You Will”

      What ye’s sends forth, comes back to Thee So Ever mind the Law of Three

      Follow This with Mind and heart Merry Ye Meet and Merry Ye Part