That happens?
Only when it’s a red flag
“Oops, meant to send that to someone else. Can you delete that please?”
Please don’t start posting actual .gif files, it’s a very old, inefficient and outdated format.
“gif” has become a term for short form videos without sound, it isn’t just actual .gif files anymore.The last many many years basically all “gifs” on the internet has been .mp4/webm files or similar, for example imgur will convert any uploaded .gif to an .mp4 because it’s just so much smaller, faster, smoother and better in every aspect, .gifv is just a custom wrapper they use for .mp4 files.
Why are people down voting this?
It may be a bit pedantic and out of topic duty the meme, but it’s true. .MP4/WebM would have the same effect much more efficiently and with higher quality
idk, people really hate getting told this for some reason.
I experienced the same on reddit once where someone was sharing something they made, they had converted their video to a .gif and uploaded it to imgur.
It was terrible quality, I told them they could just use an .mp4 and that imgur was converting their .gif to an .mp4 anyways so using a .gif was just lowering the quality, for some reason I got massively downvoted and the OP didn’t believe me when I said imgur makes all .gifs into .mp4s…I just want people to use modern, efficient, higher quality and less buggy file formats :(
You guys get responses?
This gif has more crust than a good loaf of sourdough
And other hilarious stories you can tell yourself !!