• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Saved you a click: Exploit requires attacker to already have an account in the local administrators group, and appears to only allow local admin privileges anyway.

    You can remap the C:\ drive (including the OS files in system and windows folders) to a location you already control, with exploited system files and dlls, rather than having to go through UAC and confirm you want to use admin privileges to replace them in-situ.

    Microsoft doesn’t consider this an actual vuln because local admins are already defacto trusted and able to use their admin status to do all this anyway. They could just disable UAC locally anyway.

  • With NAT existing, I’m not sure there’s a significant reason to switch anymore.

    Plus the “surprise” privacy and security benefits of just… not having every network connected device directly addressable by anyone else on the global network. The face of the internet and networking in general, plus the security and safety concerns around it, have changed dramatically since v6 was first created.

  • It won’t effect the core.

    The last time he threatened this was the last time he changed his license, because of retroarch making a core of Duckstation in the first place. The Duckstation dev seems to have a real problem with anyone using his code, down to declining bug fix pull requests because he was pissed off at the people complaining about the bug in the first place.

    He claimed Retroarch violated the licensing when they made it a core. Not sure if they actually did or not. Wouldn’t put it past them as the Retroarch lead devs have done shit like that before. So then they forked his code from before the original license change and used it to make the Swanstation core.

    I honestly thought that the Duckstation dev had followed through with his threat years ago and had stopped development.

    Either way, it’s best to just ignore emulator dev drama like this. Just use the best software and ignore the authors. Unfortunately a lot of them have personality and/or psychological issues that lead to a disproportianate amount of drama.

  • there was something I could somehow magically fix if I just kept pushing myself through the rock in my way.

    This is one of the worst “thought traps” out there. The biggest change in my life was when I decided to learn to work around/with my flaws rather than through/against them.

    I don’t mean give up and never try to improve, like a post I’ve seen here where someone got mad at their friends because their friends should just expect them to be late because ADHD. I mean stuff like that I set as many alarms and reminders as it takes, rather than deluding myself that “one alarm will be fine if I pay attention”.