THANK you! Wish I had known this app two weeks ago. Neither of my banks have virtual credit cards. The one CSR even said “That’s a great idea! I’ll pass that along.” 🙄
THANK you! Wish I had known this app two weeks ago. Neither of my banks have virtual credit cards. The one CSR even said “That’s a great idea! I’ll pass that along.” 🙄
Do you have any gratitudes that are in heavy rotation? My husband and me moving back to my beloved Pacific Northwest are two of my favs.
When I was young with tighter labia that didn’t flap or stick to the side and had a firmer bladder, 3, every time. Now 4.
It’s been a long day and I may be a little punchy, but I have tears in my eyes laughing at I write this reply.
The platen glass is a lot thinner than it looks!
You got a literal open mouth “O” and hand over mouth Oh NO from me. Their poor scrotum!
If you could speed the conveyor belt up, that would be greeeeat.
Benign fasciculation. It only used to happen after walking, and in my quads and calves. I swam competitively in division III and never happened in my upper body. I never worried about it. For folks that don’t understand the minimal and random nature of the ticks, here’s a good video.
Meat: get a ThermaPen instant read thermometer and cook meats to 120 for rare, 125 for med rare and 135 for medium. Pull the meat off heat 5 d before it hits you desired temp.
I’m 59 and I went gradually in the last 15 years from barely being able to sit cross legged to now I can’t even touch my right toe (chronic groin problem) let alone sit cross legged.
K, riffing on rain. Sorry, on a tangent, but this will work for me:
Purple Rain" by Prince “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” by Creedence Clearwater Revival “Rain” by The Beatles “Rainy Day Women #12 & 35” by Bob Dylan “Here Comes the Rain Again” by Eurythmics “I Can’t Stand the Rain” by Ann Peebles “Rainy Night in Georgia” by Brook Benton “Rain King” by Counting Crows
Only one missing is the REM song.
Ok. This is a perfect start to a playlist. I’ve never heard the Ann Peebles song.
Get more depressed and add intense anxiety to the mix.
If my depression is bad, but not suicidal bad, then I overeat. If it’s suicidal bad, I stop eating.
google has been crap as long as I can remember.
Eh what’s that sonny? I member when the term “Google” meant sumpin! Stomps off angrily waving his cane
Me at 8 weeks wondering what all the fuss is about.
3/4 c Stain Solver per load for the most cost effective solution. Has the most borax percent by weight. We order the 50lb tub and it lasts months. I’m not a shill, I promise! If we don’t use it for every load, our hard Colorado River water makes the laundry smell like ass.
I’m trying to think about a good medical analogy for what therapists and psychiatrists (that both prescribe meds and do therapy).
The best analogy I can come up with is thinking about mental health in 2 categories, and using medical treatment as an analogy like a previous user mentioned. You can have low level mental health issues where a little therapy is needed to reset your approach maybe using therapy every couple weeks for 6 months. Or you can have a serious condition that results in a threat to your or others life. That that doesn’t have to be death, it could be serious illness or physical injury.
It’s like the difference between someone needing a physical trainer at the gym to get back into shape, where you can white knuckle the process on your own but it’s WAY more efficient to get outside guidance. That example is someone with low level mental health problems. Then there’s the severe stroke victim in a coma for 3 months, this person will NOT benefit from a physical trainer, they need a medically trained physical therapist. This example is someone suicidal and non socially functional with MDD, or bipolar disorder that is cutting themselves, and other severe mental health issues. They need significant help, maybe PHP, or skilled weekly or even twice weekly therapy. And an individual can process through both low level and extreme states over the decades.
This is the best description of what short term hospitalization is like. The severe car accident analogy is great. In patient hospitalization is like being in the ICU to stabilize, and then you have to do the thousands of hours of physical therapy afterwards to get back to full functionally. I’ve been in a US PHP program twice in the last 25 years and the second time in 2007 started with 11 days of in patient hospitalization after a suicide attempt. The folks that hate in patient hospitalization most likely are early in their mental health journey (2000-3000 hours of various therapies, workshops, and PHP for me so far).
Being early in your mental health awareness makes the lack of control in an in patient hospitalization terrifying.
For me the 11 days were a godsend, and I needed the doc to stabilize me on my new meds. They weren’t going to release me until they’re saw me improve on the SSRIs and that took 11 days. I was then put into an outpatient program for 3 months. I will say the outpatient programs and my workshops are where I did the heavy lifting wrt emotional learning, learning CBT and DBT, etc. Those two PHP stints laid the foundation for my recovery.
Sorry, I don’t know how complex your team’s role is, but in our environment of oncology research this individual is not improving their behavior, is disruptive, using your niceness, and I would put them on a PIP to improve or let go. The folks on the spectrum that I’ve worked with do not react with kicked puppy face, instead they’re profoundly grateful for the social guidance and try to improve. This guy honestly sounds a little manipulative.
I think your comment is the source of a lot of people’s problems with sticking pasta. If there pots aren’t big enough and stove not powerful enough, a large amount of pasta can cool the water enough to stop the boiling and the pasta will stick if not stirred.
Dogwood. Hidden away under the canopy, reaching out and up to find sunshine in the PNW rain forest. Beautiful white spring flowers.
After leaving my beloved PNW when I was 12 to move to smoggy searing Los Angeles and missing the green and rain for 45 years, I’m back. We just bought a dogwood for the backyard. So excited for spring.