2/3 of Americans were ok with it though :(
Add a second derp head: the inability to make your mouth make words properly when thinking fast or hyper focusing. The amount of times I trip over my words while on a resolution call in a week gets annoying.
I also advocate for the initial array index to be .5 to be equally annoying to programmers and mathematicians alike.
Liquid soap batter. Due to allergies, I make my own soap and it makes a good amount. So I just store it in my jars until I need to make more. Then throw a weighted amount and 4x water in a different jar and simmer in boiling water until my soap is ready and can be scented.
You don’t need to shit on the people trying to help
When the advice is akin to telling an amputee to just grow back a limb, yeah you kinda do.
I understand that the advice is coming from (what they consider to be) a good place, but that doesn’t change that the advice is coming from a place of ignorance and shows they likely have no understanding of your situation. I’ve had NTs try this with me, and they get mad when I systematically tell them why their advice is not applicable or coming from a place that shows they have no understanding of my situation. And sometimes they’ve even told me that I’m just not doing it right, because if I was, it would work.
Generic advice is only good when you can’t be bothered to understand someone’s situation and feel the need to insert yourself into someone else’s life, and without being asked a good amount of the time.
“Wow, that’s an amazing list of things I never considered doing”
Man, NTs get mad when you sarcastically point out why their advice is bad and you’re not willing to play along to not hurt their feelings.
I’ll have you know that I put soap in those!
I’m still mad I paid full price for my wapo sub last year before they went bugfuck. I haven’t opened the app or read one of their articles in 6mo, so the fuckers got basically free money from me. BUT NEVER AGAIN!
You’ve side stepped the point I was making yet again to argue something else, but I’ll indulge in this one last time.
Ageism already exists in the system and we don’t have an issue with it. It’s just okay to be ageist against young people.
I personally don’t agree with this at all.
Your disagreement doesn’t change laws on the books.
My idea is when one generation gets older that they kind of become the assistants of the next generation coming up behind them, and then we just repeat that cycle every generation.
That can never happen when the previous generation is unwilling to let go of the reigns and are determined to die in office of at all possible.
Ageism at any age is wrong, but I’ve seen it practiced a lot more against older people that I have against younger people (especially online), hence my initial comment.
Ok, well I’m talking about what happens in the real world, not people screaming into the void online. Whether or not you hear more about it towards the older gen online, the real world is ageist against younger generations all the time.
I don’t give a wet shit about online people arguing when there’s objective reality to look at for real examples. Good day.
Ageism already exists in the system and we don’t have an issue with it. It’s just okay to be ageist against young people.
We say younger people are not mature enough for certain tasks, but I know plenty of kids who are younger than the required age but able to understand and perform the same tasks. Does that mean we should let 12 year olds have drivers licenses? Are we just going to ignore these kids because they haven’t met a specific age criteria? Or are we going to say that as a rule, they don’t have the mental capacity to have that privilege/responsibility.
We already have rails in place for older people to have their driving privileges taken away, at the very minimum there should be one for government work. You keep saying this is ‘throwing away’ older people, when in reality, this is removing people before they do not have the capacity to do it themselves. No one is saying they can’t advise, but they absolutely should not be steering the future of this country. Because that’s how we get to where we are now.
Not sure why people keep conflating age with capability/morality, they’re definately seperate things.
Because while they may be different things, but they’re absolutely not separate things given how age and cognitive decline are correlated. Because for every Bernie sanders you have multiple Feinsteins or Grangers that are at best not there or at worst hindering processes, holding up committee votes or taking up committee seats that could be used by someone who actually wants to improve things instead of making the line go up.
Bernie is an exception who proves the rule, unfortunately.
Just gonna tack on here that everyone’s favorite presidential whipping boy, ol’ Ronnie shithead Reagan, was partially responsible for allowing it to continue spreading. Hell, his press secretary or some equivalent laughed at the one reporter that actually asked about it and implied the reporter was a homosexual. He also abandoned his buddy Roy Cohn because of it too.
May he rot in piss.
No, we need a physical age limit. Aside from needing to get new people in so that we can pass on institutional knowledge before their staffers are voting for them while they hang out in a nursing home.
The fact that we live in a gerontocracy is part of the reason we’re in so much shit in general. Why should the 83 yo senator from Bumblefuckia give a fuck about climate change, they’ll be dead way before it’s a problem. Why do they care about proper financial regulations when it might impact their ability to insider trade and pass off their unearned wealth to their kids.
I’m fairly left as well, and whenever I brought up strategic voting I was swatted down with “genocide” like the other person. I was event told by multiple “lefty” users that they hoped Trump won just so it would hurt the democratic party and “teach them a lesson”. No matter that we’d be pouring gas on the fire and bringing shit home, they still had to TeAcH tHeM a LeSsOn. Ugh.
The only people who hate leftists more than rightoids are other leftists, and its for shit like that. Moral purity over pragmatism is no different than fanaticism in my eyes. As much as we may hate electoralism, its the only way to work within the system and not let fascists take over. But here we are.
Some of them are outright ridiculous. Like one of the protein cookie brands I like, 80% of the time I have to hulk out and end up ripping the packaging to shreds. We also see it on chip packages and cereal bags at times too. It’s crazy.
Trump will try and purge all non loyalist officers from the military. That could lead to a fracturing of the military.
We should ask what happens when there are a large amount of military trained men that are suddenly let loose and returned to the population, but I can’t think of a single time that’s happened…
If it doesn’t come from the Bourbon region of Kentucky, it’s just ✨sparkling whiskey ✨