• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When a child first hears an adult express a racist attitude they are confused and don’t know what to think. They may not even understand who is in the group being maligned or even have a concept of groups. And even if they do, they may think “huh? I didn’t realize they were all bad.” But like a lot of things you hear as a kid, it just kind of sinks in.

    And that seed has been planted. From there, confirmation bias does the rest. Anytime that growing person sees a member of that other group doing something wrong, they notice it and think “hey that’s what Dad was talking about.” Any such missteps from a member of that group get assigned to the whole group. Of course, people not in that group are judged as individuals. Classic in-group / out-group thinking, which is universal.

    By the time the person is grown up enough to think properly, they may have accumulated lots of these moments of confirmation bias. By then it’s likely that they start assigning blame to this group by default. Litter on the ground? Probably one of them. Something got stolen? Probably one of them. And of course if race relations are inflamed in general there may be plenty of active fuel for the fire. A gang of “them” beat up one of “us.” Now it’s basically war, and the person we’re talking about didn’t have to do anything or be a direct victim of anything. It’s all just socially transmitted and then reinforced through observation with cognitive bias. Incidentally, this is why we should never stop talking about racism openly, because that’s the only way to interrupt this process going on in the back of peoples minds. Yeah, sorry, Morgan Freeman.

    I am with you as a fellow lazy person who can’t spare the energy. But I can see how easily others slip into it. Hitler of course used it to galvanize people and turn that in-group / out-group energy into a political force.

  • You’re making a good faith effort to inquire into some views being expressed here, and getting a bunch of pompous, hand wavy answers (as well as some reading assignments you must complete before speaking again!).

    All I will say is that if these morons cannot even explain their definition in anarchy to you, when you’re asking in good faith, what hope do they have to actually carry out this fantasy with all of humanity? Inevitable, indeed…

  • It was the way for most of human history. And I’m not saying that in a good way, like “it’s totally normal, we should not be afraid of it.” I think the past was a uniformly awful time that’s slowly been getting better.

    Anarchy working well depends on the people involved. Though at this point, we live in such a rules based world that I wonder if anyone would be able to function entirely without.

  • Have you ever heard of “broken window syndrome?” It’s the idea that once there are a couple of broken windows on buildings in an area, quickly more will start getting broken. But if every window is intact, you will only get the occasional vandal being bold enough to break the first one.

    It’s not scientific and may not even have any truth in it, but there is something to be said for the idea that if people see others doing something, they are more likely to go ahead and do it themselves.

    To the point: if you see thousands of butts everywhere, smokers do too and probably consider it normal by now, and don’t care.

    This only explains how things go from bad to worse. So who drops the first butt? Well: it’s the most selfish, lazy, inconsiderate guy around. There always is one.

    Funny how all this adds up to the fact that we will inevitably herd behind the worst person around. Maybe that’s why we suck so bad as a species.

  • Your entire premise of making it the same as QAnon or not the same as QAnon is full of murky definitions and ultimately pointless. If you have a critique of this video’s contents, then by all means make it with substance. QAnon is a rich topic and you can no doubt point to many similarities and I can point to many differences. Ultimately: so what?

    It sounds like you are here to say “leftists are full of shit just as much as anyone” and were 99% of the way to congratulating yourself on successfully proving this from the moment the post was made.

    I really only have one question about all that. Are you 14?