I don’t think they sold The Guardian, but the Guardian Media Group sold most/all their other newspaper titles. In December it was The Observer.
I don’t think they sold The Guardian, but the Guardian Media Group sold most/all their other newspaper titles. In December it was The Observer.
the black community use the N word
Why are you censoring that? I thought it was for cowards and assholes?
Two of my children have trans boyfriends
Cool, ask them how they feel about this
Just for an external point of view, to me it read as shocked rather than hostile
There’s an alternate history out there where Pearl Harbor didn’t happen and the US either never took part in WW2 or else entered far too late to make a difference and the Axis powers ultimately won.
Seems unlikely since either way the Soviets did the bulk of the work of defeating the Nazis.
People from Berlin call themselves Berliners, nobody thinks they mean the donut.
How many men were killed by women in the same time period?
It will probably get uploaded to https://media.ccc.de/c/38c3 when the video team gets around to it in the coming days to weeks - lots of stuff needs tidying up and audio editing still (according to the infra review talk just now)
deleted by creator
Once again these guys delivered such a great talk
absurd take, literally everyone cares about standards of living, it is almost tautological
Yes, I’m talking about the state owned companies versus both private companies and individual landlords, rents with the state owned ones are like 20% or more lower than the others and they are usually more responsive to fixing problems, don’t play too many games
But I totally agree rents are way out of control the last few years
Yes, that’s ideal. In Germany (where there is a culture much more oriented towards renting than owning) there are a lot of state run landlords and they are great to rent from, reasonable rents, reasonable to deal with (in the local context), etc. And of course they have good laws to protect tenants to back it up. Not necessarily a perfect system but definitely one the rest of the world can learn from. Unfortunately things are still heading in the wrong direction there too right now.
Mastodon doesn’t have low character limits, it’s not terrible for having a conversation
I’ve been into Linux for like twenty years and used probably ten or fifteen distros and never heard of it
Idk, has potential but I’m pretty sure cops are very hierarchical and not supposed to beat up their bosses
Can you point to any period in history in which empires were just chill and sung kumbaya all day long, though?
Ok, you just keep doubling down on straw men and not actually responding to any points made, so I guess we’re done here.
To be blunt, have you? If you had you would know that even among empires not every one behaved with the same level of bloodthirstiness every time. The leap from “people have been violent forever” to “therefore they must be the maximum amount of violent at all opportunities” is totally unsubstantiated.
Sure, what they can get away with to achieve their goals is one factor in how countries behave. But it is totally absurd to suggest that a country’s culture would have no impact on the approach they take to foreign affairs. It has dramatic impacts on all their other laws and ways of doing things, by what possible crazy coincidence would foreign policy always be totally identical regardless of culture?
So yeah, things would be different. Way back in this discussion you snarkily characterised a straw man arguing that things would be perfect and people singing kumbaya, but nobody (here arguing against you in this thread) thinks that. This meme is about dropping bombs. We have substantial real world evidence that China does not prefer to take that approach. The USA absolutely does prefer to take that approach, even when other options would be more successful.
What is your idea that they “can’t get away with dropping bombs” based on? They absolutely could, and they still don’t do it. What it’s based on is that you assume they would if they could, that’s projection, because clearly you like the idea of bombing people for profit.
Horses are at least close