Elon musk is a white immigrant, and they are cool with white refugees, per the executive order to prioritize getting white South Africans in.
Multiple of these people have had their wives insulted by the movement, but at the end of the day even if they are their wives, they are “just women” so no big deal for them.
Sadly every major power tends to be the baddies to some extent, it’s how they get to be and stay major powers. We just get to grade on a curve. Nazi Germany really set the curve and the US got to be the pretty unambiguous good guys, at least up to the firebombing campaign in Japan, the nuclear bombs, and being complicit after the fact in Japanese atrocities by shielding them from consequences.
While we have an “ambient” level of baddie-ness most of the time, we at least have balanced it out by sometimes defending against unjust violence and providing humanitarian aid.
Now Trump seeks to turn that baddie scale up to the max while simultaneously cutting out all aid efforts.