I’m convinced Elon’s final act will be running over minorities in a Cybertruck while strung out on Ketamine.
I’m convinced Elon’s final act will be running over minorities in a Cybertruck while strung out on Ketamine.
If the tests don’t give any insight into the functionality it is testing, they are probably not the best tests.
The point is that you don’t know the first thing about American politics, and are wholly unqualified to make any comments about it.
If you honestly think a military junta would be more representative of the American people than Trump, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Also our president is not elected via majority (or plurality) vote. This has been one of the major complaints about the American political system since 2000, so I gotta wonder how much you’re paying attention.
You’re basically describing the Riechstag fire decree.
Your first question is pretty philosophical. All I can say, is that most representative governments place a huge emphasis on giving the people the power to write their own collective destiny.
A military takeover based on the desires of a minority of citizens would violate that principal. I don’t think any reasonable person can call it saving democracy.
Just to be clear, your solution to saving democracy would be for the military to usurp a president who received the majority of the vote less than six months ago?
The article seems to argue that Neil was able to pull the wool over a lot of people’s eyes, and it’s perfectly reasonable for a lot of people close to him to be in the dark about all of this.
As far as I’m concerned Palmer is an active participant. There’s absolutely no way she didn’t know what was going on, and her public feminist stance provided extra credibility to Gaimen.
This is an extremely fucked up article. I don’t think anyone could read it and not be disturbed.
I suppose there is some level of poverty I would consider becoming a sex worker for, but it would be an absolute last resort.
Well it’s more like
So yeah there’s actually a non-zero amount of commonality there.
There’s probably a base level of competence someone who grew up in modern society has without training that the North Koreans don’t have.
Like even if a convict has never operated a drone, there’s probably a good amount of them that have played FPS games. That experience can be used as a launching board into proper training.
Meanwhile the North Koreans might have absolutely zero experience with video games and smartphones, and extremely limited experience with computers in general. There’s so much you’d have to teach them before you can even start drone training.
Most people on this list have taken their foot off the gas in a major way, and do more of what they want.
Elon is currently blowing tens of billions of dollars running Twitter into the ground, designs impractical cars because he thinks they look cool, committing light treason, and campaigning for a president who would be detrimental to his business interests.
While the Zuck is still involved at Meta, he also picked up a ton of other hobbies. A lot of them are objectively cool. He also seems to spend a lot of time with his wife and kids.
Bezos seems to spend most of his time having sex with his age appropriate mistress on his $500 million yacht.
If you think this is a conservative thing I really don’t know what to tell you. Anyone who has been paying attention for the last five years could tell you that this is a problem that goes beyond political affiliation.
Lol maybe if you’re a white guy in a middle class neighborhood below the age of 60 that doesn’t have any open indication of being queer or a ethnic/religious minority.
Men are much more likely to be a victim of every other violent crime besides rape.
Okay but it’s 20 bucks. The person paying it is probably a relatively regular person attempting to feel special. A rich person is just buying a first class ticket without a second thought, and then arriving at the last possible second to board after chilling at the airport lounge. A really rich person isn’t flying commercial.
Yeah, but it would be fun to figure out what they actually end up doing vs the marketing hype.
Do you mean flying first class? Because that’s different than priority boarding. They are in a different section of the plane, and the people there are paying for a lot more things than boarding.
It’s a frivolous luxury that costs like $20 extra per ticket. For most people that’s just personal preference.
Trump is gonna pretend like he meant forcing the Saudi/Qatar proposal that the Biden administration was attempting to negotiate and people will call him genius.