• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • Girls experience similar discomfort when they arent cleaned well, as the labia can trap pee and toilet paper. You wanna start advocating that girls have their labia minora removed, or do you wanna recognize how flawed your argument is?

    Edit: also, this isnt a problem in other countries lol, an epidemic of boys running around with pee-encrusted penises. They’re taught how to clean themselves, it really isn’t that difficult or complicated.

    Seeing your other comments, if you are to remain faithful to your argument then you must advocate for female circumcision as well, since not all girls have parents, or parents who are willing to keep them clean every day. The labia can trap a lot of bacteria and can get very irritated if not thoroughly cleaned. This is high level female genital mutilation, but hey, at least they won’t remember the pain of irritated labia, right?

    Even worse, this trapped bacteria is part of why girls have higher risk of UTI, which, if left untreated, can progress to a kidney infection, sepsis, and death! So let me know how fervently you support female genital mutilation with your newfound knowledge.

  • So is the distinction between hating the British empire and British people. The empire caused mass harm around the globe, like the Nazis did. Your concern seems to be about people’s view of the empire, which would be similar to someone complaining that people unfairly hate the German government of the early-mid 1940s…

  • I went from living in true squalor to having a mostly clean apartment, with a couple corners of mess. It took a year or two for the habits to stick and I still slip up when life gets hard, but I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made.

    The answer for me was to get lots of bins/boxes, and tall bookshelves I could keep them on. I have several bookshelves, about half filled with books and half storage. I think I have ~20 different bins, stashed in cabinets under counters, in closets, on bookshelves, and several baskets for tables/counter tops.

    It does take some looping around, it is a long process when you first start. But each time you cycle through you’ll be a little bit closer to your goal, so it takes a mindset of “it doesnt need to be perfect or finished today, just better.” I underestimated the number of bins/baskets I would need at first, and actually I still need more lol.

    Give yourself some grace and understanding, if it’s a priority to you, you can do it! A mindset that helped me shift out of “ugh this is so boring and time consuming, why am I doing this” was to consider it self-care. Having an organized and clean home really helps my mental health. I didnt realize the extent of the low-key shame I felt every time I came home and saw so much clutter/mess. Instead, I see my carpets and mostly clear tables/counters and feel proud of myself, even when it isnt perfect.