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Sad to see but not surprising due to his history. He was a brilliant lyricist and I am a big fan of his work. RIP shane.
Me this morning. I’m gonna take a look at why this Jenkins pipeline is failing. This one job starts a dozen others. Half are failing. For different reasons. After starting rewriting a job that someone half assed. Realize the original error was caused by missing input but some are still valid. Still can’t figure out why my rewritten program is erroring. Get pulled away because another program did something weird… I completed nothing today but worked a ton.
My day…
I don’t understand this restaurants draw. It’s not that good and it is always packed. And they are owned by bigots.
An actual good survival zombie MMO. Ala what day z and h1z1 were supposed to be. H1z1 had the idea to be a procedurally generated middle america setting that sounded amazing. But it turned into a battle royal. Day Z was supposed to be the hardcore survival zombie but it’s too just turned into essentially a battle royal. I don’t know. I know there has been so many in that genre but I don’t feel like any of the ones I’ve played hit it right. 7 days to die is maybe the closest and I also really liked project zomboid too. I guess I thought dayz captured the realism of the combat with it’s arma roots.
For Lemmy. Moving from the alien site to here has been fantastic.
🤗 I’m sorry your having such a tough time… Everything is temporary. I know it feels hard right now… Don’t make a permanent solution to these temporary problems… Things will change. Keep going. Best of luck to you. 🤗
God damn, that sucks… Best of luck pal.
1am geezus back when I worked at Bestbuy. 2008ish I came in at 3:30am to sell shitty netbooks to customers waiting in the lines outside.
As a past retail worker. Black Friday was miserable. I worked at Bestbuy. I saw a lot of people breakdown and quit thay day due to the stress. Don’t encourage it. If you do go out. Be respectful and remember it’s just things that don’t really matter. I have never gone out and don’t support it especially the trickling of businesses forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving.
Pop_OS! Is the one I chose to finally move full time to Linux. I have zero regrets. It’s been great
Yes, I have a wood burning fireplace just seemed like a good idea.
Lol. Legitimately.
And a respectable ascot.
I’m flirty, thankful and sometimes say stuff I regret the next day (usually dumb jokes). Pretty good overall.
You did a good thing! alcohol can lower the shields for good or ill. Sometimes it can allow the facade we all carry about different aspects of our perceived selves to fall away and we can truly see what we need to do.
My poor wife if she gets too drunk just cries and cries. She has had such terrible loss in her family her entire life and when she drinks way too much she just sobs almost uncontrollably. It’s terrible. Because she remembers her brother, her dad, her grandpa, all gone tragically. She hasnt done that in a few years because we are getting older and drunk stupidly less but it was a thing for awhile.
Alcohol is weird man.
More please.
I tried osmand~ from f droid (which is essentially the paid version) and for browsing it works great. Navigation was pretty bad however. I had a lot of issue where when I click to find a route to an address it would get stuck and never route. Also in my testing, it would take you some pretty bizarre routes where I couldn’t trust it. I am unfortunately back to Google maps that I dowloaded through the aurorastore using as anonymously as I can without any Google account on my device.
I got 6% last month on a couple year old used car (I have bought a car since 2005) and I was shocked and the guy said that was one of the best rates he has seen lately. Absolutely insane.