But there are 10 dashes…
But there are 10 dashes…
I just assumed you were joking. Good job on all you do!
Who said I was ignoring all that? I’m well aware. But what the Fuck am I supposed to do about it?
I drive a hybrid, pickup litter, recycle, make most of my own food from scratch, and talk about how we need to do more (like with this tongue-in-cheek meme). I ain’t in Congress (yet), but even if I was look how productive they’re being towards this issue.
I’m sorry. Here’s a modified version of the meme:
If we all work together the collapse is not just a dream.
Hoping to speed up the collapse I see lol.
I drive a hybrid.
I recycle everything I can.
I pickup litter.
I try to be as power efficient as possible.
I’m not a vegetarian but I don’t eat meat everyday.
Plus, I post memes that stimulate conversation like this!
Try doing it on Give Me God Of War difficulty. Aren’t allowed to change the difficulty mode without restarting. I’ve beat 3 of them after finishing the main story, but haven’t picked it up in a few months. Playing Zelda Skyward Sword now.
39% of Americans do not invest in the stock market. Fuck them I guess.
Having 2% deflation instead of 2% inflation would be good for the economy. It would be a baseline to compete against for companies and mean less people would invest in bad investments that just beat inflation.
We also need to stop this ludicrous idea of infinite growth of the economy forever in order to be able to afford to retire. It’s detremental to the environment and to the quality of products the economy produces to expect such.
Inflationary policies and fiat currencies are the fuel behind both world wars lasting as long as they did.
Ancient Rome prospered with a strong currency, when they started debasing their currency it started the fall of Rome. The same will happen to us.
By over 30%:
Source: in2013dollars.com
$1000 would’ve bought 7.388 BTC in August 2013.
7.388 BTC today is worth… $193,186.08
Tell me again which one is the best place to store value?
Edit: Downvoted for showing facts. Not surprised.
You’re right. But they don’t want to hear it. Just like how most of the world believes in sky people and don’t want to face reality.
The world has been living on FIAT currency since WW1 when virtually every country left the Gold Standard. It’s been ingrained into everyone that deflation = bad, inflation = good. Yet at the same time every single financial advisor recommends dumping your savings into deflationary assets (houses, stocks, etc)… Okay. Makes sense to me.
Yes sir. Wouldn’t want regular folks to be able to retain the value of their savings! Government’s restricted to being fiscally responsible instead of printing their way out of problems with the hidden tax on the poor that is inflation? Ridiculous!
WTF? 25gbps? Dang we really do have shitty internet in the States.
'Murica #1!!! (In high internet prices)
Think of the CHILDREN!
Guys! We found the person of legend! Someone who lives to work!
Who needs to relax? Just work all the time!
I have billions of Zimbabwe dollars and I picked up litter for 2 hours a few weeks ago. So there’s at least one!