Also that linked page appears to have zero sources. I see some Facebook links and a dead link to, maybe it worked back in the 90s when they built the site. I’ll happily be corrected but I see nada.
Again with the moving goal posts.
What is? That humans are fallible?
Sealioning: a word people misuse when they are annoyed in an internet conversation.
Go ahead, look up the definition and break down what I said by that definition. I look forward to it.
Especially since you clearly aren’t able to argue the case in front of you.
Why is this supposed to be funny? Can someone explain the joke?
So you’re moving goalposts from the original claim “Carter oversaw east Timor” to “maybe someone in the CIA should have been prosecuted” and “the military industrial complex is bad”?
Big shift if true.
A shift from actually new information to “turns out the bad guys are bad, guys”
I know you want to imagine something darker, but once you get your first job you’ll realize how very very very very easy it is for simple things to slip through the cracks, let alone complex things like a conflict on the other side of the planet from you in a region your country hasn’t traditionally cared about.
(1) don’t think for a second Im treating a geocities site as a real source
(2) Carter’s name is not on that page. I saw “oversaw” as the claim. If he oversaw, his name goes on the page. His name is not on the page. Ex: Kissinger is on the page, and is a war criminal and he should rot in hell.
What does that mean? The name Carter doesn’t show up on the Wikipedia page for timor from what I can find.
Removed by mod
Congress has refused to do anything for a decade or so in an attempt to push more power to the executive branch.
You tell him!
United breaks guitars.
Not quite parody but…
Signal: over a decade of leaking nothing and providing a great service for free, with some weird hiccups along the way like cryptocurrency.
Privacy “advocates”: fuck signal
I do not like this
You mean completely legally forcing entry to a home thats near the one they had a warrant for and dispatching a hostile terrorist baby with an ak-47-shaped pacifier?
Yes, your neighbor is an asshole