Mostly on my Lemmygrad and Hexbear accounts. But still like and the people on here. Not a liberal, conservative, or a fucking fascist! The masses need to wake up and see how much we have been and continue to be lied to by those that want us to stay dumb and hating each other!

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 8th, 2021

  • I think Israel is the only entity that is doing basically everything possible to kick-start WWIII. As the Ukraine/Russia stuff is mostly being contained to Ukraine, Donetsk, Luhansk, Crimea, and parts of Russia. But Israel is openly starting new fronts in Palestine and Lebanon. Along with attacking Iran, Syria, and Yemen. And they are most certainly the most likely entity to be the next government to use nukes in war. The doctrine of kill everyone to not allow capture is far more scary than what has been going on in Ukraine.

    Not to say that the forced conscription and arrests of draft aged (or even physically able) men isn’t fucked (it very much is). But even the neo-Nazis in command of Ukrainian forces aren’t taking that level of official doctrine of death to their own side. Their doctrine is more “you fight or die” (but not "we will also kill you if you are caught by the enemy) which isn’t exactly “shocking” if a nation is on an actual defense from inside their borders. Israel is invading other nations and acting at more of an ISIS level of fucked up while yelling about how they are “just defending ourselves.”

  • Sending US troops in any capacity seems to me that US hawks are wanting to increase the chances of US troops being killed. Which then means that the US can then justify sending everyone in that they want.

    Use the excuse of “they attacked 'Merica” and do the same shit that happened in Afghanistan and Iraq (just with Israel “inviting” them in and as a “supporting” army). Which will of course ignore all of the US citizens that have been murdered by Israel.

    They want so badly to bring back the “hero” trappings that WW2 had, but they will be siding with the fascists this time around. And would have “perfect” excuses to attack China and Iran via false flag shit (again using Nazi tactics). Hell, they might even pull-off something with Russia that can be used for the death spiral that NATO Article 5 promises. Be like all the shit that made sure WW1 would happen if literally anything popped off.

  • With regards to right on red. It (legally at least) requires that you must first stop at the light. So if you are turning right the idea is that you are supposed to first check for active traffic and treat it as if it is a stop sign. If someone ahead of you is waiting to turn right and then goes. Then you are supposed to pull up and then stop again before turning. Though in practice a lot of people will at best treat it more like a yield sign and just roll through without stopping. In super low traffic times or places where traffic is a non-issue (like a rural road where as you pull up to the light you can clearly see open roads without anyone) then this isn’t really an issue aside from learning bad habits. Though heavy traffic places are much more of an issue.

  • Everyone does know. I can’t speak for all states/counties/cities/etc, but the brown bag thing is mostly a legal grey area for allowing folks to drink in public. Most of the time drinking isn’t legal to just do while walking around and can be given fines by cops. However this can be problematic for additional resources being redirected from more important crimes. So as long as the cops don’t see a label or the whole bottle/can, then they can ignore it as “it could be anything.”

    For example, in the summer people in my state like to go tubing down sections of rivers. While tubing you can have coolers and stuff, however open drinking of beer or other such drinks isn’t legal. So if cops were to be watching the river and clearly see the labels it can mean that they order you to get out and hand them over and/or be fined. But everyone makes sure to put their cans/bottles in foam cozies, and therefore it is a low-key unofficial understanding that as long as you aren’t smashed and/or causing lots of problems everything is good. The same also applies to other places like lakes and the beach (at least in my state). But if you are super drunk and/or being an asshole, then the cops will use that as probable cause to actually search the bag/cozies and all that.

  • I was seeing that brought up in many of the other comments, and I had apparently installed it at some point. So I have finally signed into it and even added some info one some road types around me! Even if I don’t find a replacement for the community reporting of cops and hazards like Waze. I am jazzed to be helping OSM get just a bit closer to being a great option to recommend to friends and normies! Lots of them will only try other options as long as it is close enough to what they already use.

  • Just installed and signed into my OSM account! Been meaning to update more of my area.

    I am looking to try moving away from Waze too. Are there any good open projects that have support for reporting cops and the other stuff like Waze? When I was looking last year, I came across Navmii since it does have some level of reporting stuff. However the app itself is very glitchy and I don’t think it is really actively being worked on. Or is popular enough to even know if literally anyone around me is reporting things. When I have tried to report a cop being parked waiting for speeders, it doesn’t show anything even on my map.

    They use OSM data which I think is also not being actively scraped, as I personally added my entire street’s addresses and doesn’t show on Navmii (but does show up on the main OSM site and on Organic Maps).

  • I work on peoples’ PCs at work (regular people and not business IT), and one thing that I do for every PC I work on is add uBlock Origin Lite to Chrome and uBlock Origin on other browsers no matter what. As 8 or 9 times out of 10 the shit that caused someone to bring in their PC for cleaning are actually full-screen scam messages and scummy ads on sites or from emails. The only times I ever randomly get someone that is upset about the blockers being installed are from either the pickup person not showing them how to use them. Or I get a random person that actually uses those “news” start pages like MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc. not understanding that the blank slides in the main slideshow are not actual articles and are ads.

  • I also went completely to FF on my phone the moment it had uBlock Origin and some other extensions. Now that I learned how to force other ones, it has been game over for other browsers aside from just seeing how they are every now and then (I work with general public and need to be aware of how they work). The only thing I would really really advise in addition to FF on a non-rooted device is setting the Mullvad ad-blocking/tracking blocking DNS for the device.

    It helps even if I need to use a different browser (not as good as also having uBO), and has really good chances of blocking ads in many apps. For example, I kind of treat the Microsoft Solitaire app since it keeps games and stats from my PC. However they have lots of video ads that play after a couple of games. With the DNS it just kind of glitches when an ad should run and just goes on to the next round instead. The only odd thing I see with other apps is that it can cause my bank app to take a little longer to load when signing in (I am guessing due to tracking it is trying to do). But after like ten seconds it goes through like normal.

    This is the DNS address to add if you want:

    And here is the main site for all their options and tester to make sure whichever one you pick is working:

  • I hate when I have to punch out for lunch (even if I am not eating) for more or less similar reasons. I try to bring a book to read literally any amount as I really need to read the books I have (getting to feel like my Steam library). But I find myself too engaged in my “fix things” (I work on peoples’ PCs) headspace/momentum. So I end up still just answering questions my co-workers that are customer facing are trying to deal with.

    This is not something I expect from them or anyone under 96% of situations and try to not bother them when they are on lunch/break or on a day off. I even make sure that they know I give consent to hit me up and have even been able to help give the correct fix while drunk on vacation lol. I don’t think bad of them if they don’t do the same and even tell them to not be like me in that regard as I am just what I am. Only exception is if managers or higher try to bother me without some really really serious reasons (though they also tend to tell me to manually adjust my punches). I only donate my time/mind to people that are in the shit with me.

    But I just feel more tense while on lunch and hate losing momentum or feeling “heavy” after eating. When I do eat it tends to be in small chunks over the course of the second half of my shift. So just spread out my paid 15min breaks. Just enough time to eat, but not enough time to lose whatever focus I have.

  • You aren’t wrong, I mean just looking at how it is making just getting a home while those homes are treated like Wall Street stocks. But the longer that the shit gets pushed out, the more it will cost anyway. Especially as private corps are literally buying up everything. So the corps should be just forced out without pay period. And the only people that should get paid anything are actual people and not the fake persons that we allow corps to be legally seen as. Only other exception would be if land is native land, and plans for shit should be forced to not go through it.

    Are the ideas above legal? Hell no, but fucking corps aren’t people and they already get their money from fucking over people and from getting all the tax cuts and exemptions for everything anyway. We have already been letting corps own the current rail lines and is a shining example as to why they should be purged for the benefit of the people.

  • Same! That was like the first “WTF?” thoughts I had (while also lulz-ing). Had to share somewhere that would know the feeling. I have large doses of Impostor Syndrome in basically all parts of my day to day life. But one of the weirder ones is that I might not be actually ADHD and the meds that have been a game changer will be taken away (especially as the pushes to make getting them harder arise). But then I read/watch stuff about ADHD that are waaaaaay to deep a cut into my life to have that “oh shit, well I most certainly have ADHD for real then.” lol. Just so so many parts of my personality and youth just make sense.

  • It isn’t a science vs pseudoscience, it is using an easy to understand set of symbolic numbers and words that are meant to be taken together as a point. The point being that we are assholes if we don’t stop to take a moment to see that we at some point were those same “10,000” and experienced shit for the first time. And that jumping on others for now being those “10,000” instead of sharing their excitement is dumb. Humans tend to like lessons and reminders that are clear to understand. We as a species have learned and taught via parables basically ever since we could speak.

    Focusing on complicated but very precise data removes the whole point of the meaning being presented. Now if this were being understood to be a real study or some other situation where the numbers and science were the focus then it would very much matter. It is just a super basic lesson in social interactions presented in a nerdy way.

  • For real! The only thing that matches this frustration of trying to find out wtf something is and not just “feel good” BS statements about whatever it might be is surveys. Fuck me am I going to snap one day over fucking surveys on big companies. I hate going to support pages for getting like drivers to install for a PC I am working on and knowing that before I can even press “search” I get a box in the middle of the fucking screen already asking “How’d We Do?” or “Got three minutes to let us know how well we helped you today???” I would try to just start filling them out, but I don’t want to have the very fed-posting-ish words I have for them to be tied to a customer’s PC.

    Ignore this unless you (the persons reading this) either don’t understand how fucked so many surveys are as a worker. Just thinking about how much I hate them means I needed a therapeutic rant to get it out. And I am not just going to delete it after typing it at this point. lol

    And the surveys that all big companies have are rigged to begin with. They all have either numbers or stars and comment boxes. But depending on the company and situation the rating part might be tied to a specific worker that may have even been the only good part of the interaction. So giving a real “rating” only means that worker is raked over the coals and can be written up. Even if the comments part easily shows this to be the case. The big box chain I fix PCs for does this and my co-workers and myself are constantly fucked over by customers that we were told point-blank that we helped them more than anyone else. But since those customers are fuming about all the other stuff (that was completely out of our control), they give whatever the lowest rating is and the comments about us specifically being good are ignored. All because those comments parts don’t really matter to high-er level managers and corporate. Can’t be removed from our metrics as being clearly about something else. So it just becomes about “well it means you will need to get more positive ratings to cancel it out”.

    And as a customer, they use the whole “concern about wanting feedback” as 100% go ahead to just spam the ever living shit out of your txts, email, and even start harassing via calls that they force workers to make. FUCK SURVEYS so much from both a worker and customer standpoint! I volunteer to be the executioner of the people that make this shit a policy of a company (and of course the CEO, other C level folks, and every single member of their boards once the revolution comes.