There was slant for a bit. Turned out to not be as reactive to market distributions.
Stack exchange has some good stuff going for it.
The browser add-ons for redirecting to old.reddit are doing good work. Best add-ons 2023
Still the same story today.
I think that’s in Fort Worth, right? I saw the little one when it was about half that height. Did you stop by the cats?
GPL says you can sell the software for whatever price you want too. I could take any piece of sodtware licensed under GPLv3, bundle it up, charge people for that software (while telling them that what I am selling them is GPLv3 software and informing them that they can request a copy of the source code including any modifications that I have made to it). That’s totally fine. But why would someone pay for the software if the seller is not adding any value to to product? cough windows app store cough