In a closed time, Unmistakably wandering, Still I walk on, Forever and ever, Not to disappear
That would probably be best. Dude could grow the most dank shit, after all, the sun is best.
Lol, take this how you will, but I bet Bigfoot would be more competent at building bombs.
At this point Bigfoot will be the next unabomber.
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Good to know you’ll just jump to conclusions without evidence. I’ll be sure to steer clear of you.
Also, talk is cheap. I need evidence.
Also what citizens? Everyone keeps saying citizens are being rounded up, but not a single person has provided a shred of proof. Until I see evidence I don’t believe it. Wild needing evidence is enough to get you crucified around here.
Thanks, IT guy.
Does the circumstance matter? The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the claimant. I can say you’re a traitor to democracy, but the burden of proof is on me. No wonder us lefties lose all the time.
🤣 GTFOutta here with this BS fear mongering. No wonder us lefties lose all the time.
Because that won’t work. You’ll just leave the rich to take over each piece of the pie and we’ll be even more at the whims of the rich than right now plus killing each other. Either we stay in a union or we devolve into killing each other. Regardless of which outcome I’m not taking any chances.
Ok, IT guy.
😂 I’m a US Citizen, I don’t have a passport.
Yet you still show up to your job everyday as if nothing is happening at all. I agree with most of what you’re saying. That’s why I’ve stock piled a ton of ammo and supplies to live off grid. I’m actually excited for the fascist takeover. Then it’s free range on these traitors. Luckily I live in BFE and own property in the boonies. I don’t agree that balkanization is the answer though. If we can’t stay a union we’re all fucked, just like the Balkans 😂.
Yes we do have to wait, because anything done before that will land you in jail. After they break society we can hunt them down like the animals they are.
Ok IT guy.
Don’t you have some VoIP phones to troubleshoot or some boomers to show how to do spreadsheets for? Man, your company must not be very productive. Good luck getting another IT job after they let you go.
Until a US Citizen gets deported I’ll sit. I’ve been bombarded with people here saying it’s already happened, but no one can provide me with evidence. You’re all just fear mongering and that’s ridiculous. That’s the psychotic BS MAGA and conservatives do. All I’m seeing is leftists here doing the same and it’s pitiful.
Ah, so you’d throw away our union. That’ll work out great. It really is a bunch of tankies in this server. I was wrong when I said this place was like r/politics, it’s much worse.
Ok, IT guy.