It’s a showerthought about the English spellings being fucked.
You read read as read, and not as read.
Listening to the same song over and over is no longer for enjoyment, it is for the feelings of safety that your body is comfortable in.
I’m in the exact same boat, except I only recently started (1 year ago) my journey to diagnosis after learning that I’ve had anxiety and depression for most of my (30 year) life without knowing that the gloom in my life isn’t normal.
Now I think Adhd might be the reason behind it all, as so much of what I’ve read about Adhd fits with what I struggle with.
I always just lived my life thinking everyone else’s life was just as shit as mine, because I didn’t lock myself in the bedroom like “real depressed people”.
Low interroception, not necessarily Adhd. Like most symptoms it can come from many angles.
It’s a military operation.
For me it always comes when procrastinating something worse. It’s not so much love as it just happens sometimes
Failing an exam you didn’t study for us not a failure of character. It’s not your fault, and it is not worth valuing higher than your life.
Depression is telling you that you put too much weight on yourself. Do your best and that is already 100% of what you can give right now, and that is OK.
The best time to start was 7 days ago, the second best time to start is now.
I struggle with this as well. If the step is too big I get overwhelmed and procrastinate the task untll panic sets in and fuels me with adrenaline.
Take a small step towards it without the intention to finish. Put the book out then do something else. Have the intention of just reading for 5 minutes then stop. Allow yourself to be satisfied in taking a step towards the big task.
Damn autocorrect striking again.
At least he posted on the right community.
Cptsd people as well
The word play, Love that! Succinct point put beautifully. Well done!
That’s only moving in the third dimension without moving in any other.
If you have movement in all 3 dimensions, you get January 1, February 6, March 13, April 25.
Thats diagonally and stacked.
A long uhhhhhmmmm until they stop talking
Me when I indicate I want to talk, but they have already changed topic.
I haven’t thought about it like that before. When I told my ex I want to leave a party she would say “we’re leaving” and keep talking for 20 minutes. I’m like “wtf? We said we’re leaving, why aren’t we leaving”. She used to say “slowly leaving”. And it always frustrated me. As there is no slowly leaving. There’s leaving and there’s not leaving.
Take the raads-r test. It’s so close to a psychiatrist evaluation that it has a high confidence even for a self test.
Just knowing you are autistic and learning about it can improve your life
Great! You just found your way to fall asleep instantly! Use it to get some more sleep in general :p
That’s a good mentality. I will start using that, thanks!
I feel personally attacked. I just had a 2 hour nap because I did this yesterday.