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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Why do you want the peacekeepers out? Why not coordinate with them?

    Because the Peacekeepers aren’t there to fight a war, that’s not their role. The real question is, what are they still there for? There is no real answer from the UN about this. Their mission was to try to disarm Hezbollah, which they clearly they didn’t accomplish. Now Hezbollah is using the weapons the UN was supposed to remove (but didn’t) to fight the IDF. And the UN is apparently just going to leave Peacekeepers stranded in the middle of a warzone because they’re still pretending there isn’t a war happening? Or are they hoping for a conflict to occur between the Peacekeeping force and the IDF? Like is the UN now trying to escalate the conflict? Really, what are they trying to accomplish?

    Sure, never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence and the UN is a very incompetent organization. But this is getting so it goes beyond being able to be explained by incompetence.

  • I’m not here to do google searches for you. There have been numerous Ukrainian attacks on the Kerch Bridge and on Russian supply ships to Crimea. And this isn’t some accusation of Ukraine trying to commit genocide, it’s a recognition of Ukraine being in a war, and this is how wars have been fought for thousands of years.

    People who don’t hate Israel and are desperately redefining the word genocide understand this. It would be different if Israel prevented civilians from leaving and let them starve along with Hamas. But read the article, that’s not the case. They are trying to get civilians out of the area. And even if the rumours prove to be true, the “General’s Plan” (which is actually a discussion from retired generals, not active duty military) the plan says that civilians that refuse to leave could do so when they run out of food. Hamas can surrender when they run out of food.

    I have doubts that this will even happen because I have serious doubts that it would even work. Hamas are just the kind of assholes that would stockpile a year’s supply of rations in their underground lairs while the people they claim to be protecting go hungry. But if it did work, it would significantly reduce the number of civilian casualties (since they could leave the area) which is what we all want, right? Right?

  • They are moving civilians out of the area. You seemingly are missing that part. So no, they are not cutting off food from civilians.

    The USAID officials wrote that because of Israel’s behavior, the U.S. should pause additional arms sales to the country.

    Yeah that’s not for USAID to decide, and any report where an agency is overstepping it’s purview is suspect. If they’re pushing for a policy change beyond the scope of their department, then they can’t really be trusted to not fudge things to try to influence things further. They’re behaving unprofessionally to gain power they aren’t supposed to have and you can’t trust them to behave professionally when gathering information.

  • Yes, people under the violence of Occupation, Settler Colonialism, and Apartheid are bound to fight back by any means possible, regardless of the difference in military capability.

    If you engage in genocidal acts like what occurred on October 7, whatever justification for it is moot. The world cannot allow for genocide to be a successful tactic.

    Stop trying to rationalize genocide, ok? It’s an evil way to think about things. Hamas cannot be allowed to achieve any kind of success after what they did. Otherwise others will try the same. In fact Hezbollah was planning something similar to October 7 just from the propaganda successes Hamas achieved. Is that what you wanted?

  • You do realize netenyahu aligns himself with far right leaders and Israel has a far right government. Dont you?

    You realize that Hamas is a fascist organization. Don’t you?

    Or do you really honestly think palestinians and their supporters are part of a white nationalist movement?

    Fascism isn’t actually about specific ethnicities. It isn’t even about being specifically antisemitic, though Hamas most definitely has that going on.

    Fascism is about promoting strongman to protect people from the other, the other usually being of a different ethnicity and/or religious group. The other is paradoxically both strong and weak. It’s about promoting a return to a past ethnic makeup of a region to how it was in the history book, ie. blood and soil. It’s about using past humiliations to entice people into accepting the strongman as their leader. It’s about de-legitimizing democracy and the free press. It’s about using violence to achieve these goals, including the use of ethnic cleansing and genocide. It’s about maintaining a violent fervour and a hatred towards the enemy so people don’t question the strongman’s leadership.

    Hamas fits this description. If you’re in the same movement as Hamas, you’re at best alt-right, or at worst a fascist. I know among your fringe group you don’t talk about yourselves that way and will put on blinders to avoid seeing Hamas for what it is. But people outside of your little group actually do see Hamas for what it is and see you for who you are.

    If you could stop subjecting yourself to imagery meant to keep you in a violent fervour for even a few days you might begin to question the leadership of the strongman Yahya Sinwar which has resulted in the destruction of Gaza. But you probably won’t do that because you’re stuck in an endless emotional manipulation loop. And that’s exactly how fascism works.

  • how do you feel that bibi funded Hamas

    Weirdo conspiracy theory. People thinking that because Israel negotiated with Hamas in the past, that constitutes “funding them”. This is actually an argument against Israel negotiating with Hamas for a ceasefire right now if you apply critical thinking to this weirdo narrative.

    also what about the fact Gaza is an open air prison

    October 7 proved the necessity of building a fence to try to prevent Hamas from doing cross border raids and also proved the necessity of a blockade to prevent them from getting weapons. Obviously the fence wasn’t effective, but arguing against efforts to prevent Hamas from crossing into Israel and killing people is not something any rational person would continue to do. But that’s the nature of all of this isn’t it? You’re indoctrinated into repeating the same slogans over and over again, and even when it becomes obvious that the slogan makes no sense anymore, you continue repeating it because you’re unable to think about the meaning behind the words and are unable to adapt to any change in the situation.

  • That’s good for you to admit that Hamas, Hezbollahand the Houthis are attacking Israel. Making progress!

    So your main issue is that you want war to be fair, like it’s a sport? It’s not a sport, people die in wars. Making it fair just means it drags out longer causing more loss of life.

    That graph also indicated that Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are outmatched and should give up on trying to defeat Israel on a battle field. They should put down their weapons and sit down at a negotiating table. They aren’t going to get everything they want (that’s the nature of negotiation) but they’d get something and people don’t have to needlessly die in their futile wars. And the longer they fight the less they’ll get in any kind of peace.

    You’ve just proven the stupidity of Iran’s “Axis of Resistance”. But these are fascist strongman “blood and soil” type movements and those type of movements are known for their stupidity resulting in their destruction.

  • You’re no longer considering any facts that challenge the narratives you get directly from social media and dubious “news” sources. You probably hate Democrats, probably look the other way about any antisemitic remarks from your peers. Also look the other way about atrocities committed by the fascists that are “on your side”.

    The pro-Palestinian movement (really the anti-Israeli movement, if we’re being honest) is an alt-right movement if we’re being objective about comparing it to other political movements. Really how is this movement any different from any of the other alt-right movements? Only because you don’t call yourself alt-right?

  • Thanks for noticing!

    Also the things I’m saying is consistent with what a majority of people outside of this little echo chamber think. This group you’re in is going descending in a downward spiral of hatred. People in the same hatred spiral you’re in have already committed violent acts, and more have attempted violence. This hatred of Israel will not lead to anything positive. Nothing good for the Palestinian people will come from this hatred.

    I see photos of Gaza and I see a lot of similarity with the photos of German cities at the end of WWII. Germans were so indoctrinated in the politics of hatred (the same politics people here are engaging in) that the refused to accept defeat even when it was obvious to anyone. So they fought to the bitter end for the politics they were too indoctrinated in to accept reality and it destroyed their country.

    Unlike the German people, I fear that because of outside pressure Palestinians may not be able to escape the politics of hatred even after they’ve experienced the destruction it lead to. Too much outside pressure on Palestinians (primarily from Iran, but you can see it even in the rhetoric here) to continue dying for the interests of others rather than negotiating with Israel to get as much as they can for themselves.

    The real tragedy of this is that even if there was a ceasefire agreement tomorrow, a conflict similar to this will probably happen again for the next generation. It won’t be because of people like me that call for Hamas to surrender. It’ll be because of the people like you that “disagree with me” who push for Arabs to continue dying to serve the interests of Iranians.

    Someone has to tell the truth around here, no matter how unpopular it may be.

  • Yeah they traded for Yahya Sinwar in a previous deal. You know, the guy that planned October 7 and is now the leader of Hamas.

    Sure, it didn’t begin on October 7. And it also didn’t begin with the next time Israel does an air strike. Or the next time. Or the time after that.

    Palestinians are dying and you’re rooting for a continuation of violence indefinitely. You obviously don’t care about Palestinian lives because you don’t want the conflict to end even while Hamas and Hezbollah are losing badly and are only getting anyone that happens to be near them killed.