We are so lost…
We are so lost…
No it wont. Greta is the climate lady. And if the climate lady says stuff which i disagress with, i wont listen to the climate lady anymore. I even hate the climate lady now.
This is such a deranged worldview. Progressive liberals and leftists are the rich people! California is a democratic bastion and filled to the brim with progressives and its one of the richest states in the nation. George Soros and Bill Gates support progressive causes. How can you not see that. And shes is definitely not pondering to working class people. Because working class people support political parties which have climate change denying tendencies. Like the republican party and the afd in germany.
Another example from my home turf. Bavaria is the richest state in Germany. BUT also very conservative. Wealth is concentrated around munich. The wider you go away from munich. The “poorer” the population. Last month were the state elections of Bavaria. And the turnout in Munich was nearly 50% for the green party. The wider you distanced yourself from it, the more right wing parties profited. Which used anti green bashing as their main rhetoric. Poor working class people dont vote green en masse.
No as I explained above this is nonsensical virtue signaling.
But this is such self pleasuring ineffective rhetoric. People in the first world which is the group you wanna adress. So western (not necessaryly white) rich people who enjoying their comforts in the first world. If you want them to actually do something. Like sell their car and become vegan. You have to show them climate change hitting their home turf. Pictures like Italy and Greece Burning for Europeans, smoke covered NYC, etc. If you talk about a “climate justice” movement, in which the main message is, “dont you care about the brown poor people?” you denigrate this catastrophy as an UNICEF Donation event. No one will give up their SUV for that.
Now the Gaza Conflict is complex and polarizing for muslims and Israel supporters, in which you can only make a bad choice, people will turn away and ignore whatever you are trying to sell.
This is valueless and destructive virtue signaling.
No it’s not! Fighting climate change can be addressed as legitimate issue to fix from both sides of the political spectrum. Talking about the gaza conflict and picking an arbitrary side, does nothing except, drive potential fff supporters away. People will hate Greta and everything she stands for even more. Only for virtue signaling points on social media.
Yeah but it’s not about you, it’s about making the messaging app choice in the daily life more balanced for the average user. The average user doesnt care about tos or privacy. You wont get the average user to switch to signal by saying “take care of your privacy”. The average user wants to send messages to their friends. Thats it. And because publicly traded companies have to grow they have to increase revenue from their services. So, monetize user data, which lawmakers could stop, increase revenue by charging a fee, which the average user doesnt want to, or show ads, no one wants to. And I guess free software has the benefit of working without the need to monetize their users. THIS is the selling point. And if you get it to work across different messaging apps, users will leave wa.
I’d like to use signal as my daily messaging App. But all my friends are on wa. If I can cross message them from signal, I will stay on signal. One less user for whatsapp.
Yeah maybe, but it’s important to cross message otherwise you loose against the scale effect of Whatsapps userbase
I dont think so, Apple Google Meta and Microsoft have to grow their revenue so they will have to make their service either more expensive or crappier. And I think, at some point, this will drive people to open source alternatives. Or atleast I hope so
Isnt the EU working on something requiring Whatsapp to open up cross messaging for Signal and co.? If they do, there is no reason to be on wa anymore.
“One more thing. Arthur”.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/27/climate-crisis-villains-americas-dirty-dozen I mean, … the current profiteers which steer society into collapse have names.
Hell yeah man!
Ok, prizes vary between countries and how many are there of that kind. Anyway, I heard about the Japanese ones. Isn’t it a “Mamachari”?
Pls dont.