Fucking monstrous doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Fucking monstrous doesn’t even begin to describe it.
If they’re smart enough to cheat they’re smart enough to pass.
Be real now. How much of that stuff do you all really use in your daily lives?
Because the real world doesn’t care about rote memorization as long as the work gets done in my experience.
Totally. You think they parade around at NAMBLA marches or something?
They would if they were honest.
But don’t worry. Catholics don’t have a monopoly on child abuse. Evangelical youth pastors are gunning for the crown. (They’ll never get close. But they’re trying)
Don’t pretend he’s actually trying.
Thousand plus years.
I don’t know exactly when sneaky catholic scribes changed up the wording to make being gay bad except when they’re being gay with children. But it’s definitely their doing.
He doesn’t want to end it. He is a dual citizen.
He works for Netanyahoo. Not the US president.
Welp. Look for the colonizers to start using biological weapons. Seems like every time a sane person makes a suggestion they line up 3 new sharks to jump.
You just know there’s a plug chilling right now at that specific Golden Corral
That genocidal lunatic doesn’t need a reason.
I never use it. Never browse it. Never post.or comment. Don’t even scroll it.
I only still have fb for 2 reasons.
Work contacts.
And FB Marketplace.
“Not a dating simulator”
Clearly these dorks don’t play Classic. Not back in the day and not now.
That’s what I was about to say. That makes no sense. Unless OP is outside their hoke country at like a tourist trap maybe.
Assassinates negotiators.
Whines when no negotiators.
Pretends to be victim.
How else do you answer a genocidal ethnostate?
Words have failed. Can’t just roll over and let them realize their colonial ambitions.
Tell me. Can you buy food safe microwave safe plastic to print with?
If so. Google the “Fasta Pasta” and tell me of you can print one half the size of a normal one.
I want one. But my microwave is too small. And nobody makes a small one.
Not just one. Blind blanket support for this genocide has burned a lot of the political capital the US once had. Maybe not most. But a lot. Even among close allies.
Everyone except the US seems to understand that we don’t live in a unipolar world anymore. While we’ve let runaway supply side economics destroy this country China has been catching up.
No. Never. Not once in life.
Their yard. Their house. Their shit.
Mind your own business.