Hello Gordon.
That is true, but there are subspecies which are made from two similar animals, like a horse and donkey make a mule.
I would imagine it taste like most weird meats; fishy.
Probably? They both evolved from the same bird, so why not?
Ok bud, yeah right, Delete that. Delete that RIGHT NOW.
I know what alleged means. And in this context, it means they either shot the guy who was stabbing people or shot someone else, meaning they don’t know if it is or isn’t the guy they were looking for.
Alleged? You don’t know if you got the right guy?
Southpark isn’t sued as far as I know, but they have received massive criticism and even death threats from terrorists organizations.
If it were me, I would choose the recluse house. No questions asked.
Ok. Henry Ford may have largely inspired hitler to kill the jews and hitler even mentions Ford in Mein Kampf.
What I meant by “I love to learn” was on both ends. I love learning history and math, but I’m aiming for a mechatronics degree because I’ve always been interested in robots. I’m still interested in mechatronics, just feel like I’m struggling with some classes and getting the motivation to finish them.
The only British person who actually knows how to use spices is Gordon Ramsey, and he gets a pass on not using them cause he actually knows how to cook good food.
Is my friend Pedro considered bad?
The big lez show. It a comedy on youtube that you can watch now for free. It’s one of, if not the, best series I’ve watched and, although strange at times, is unbelievable deep. Specifically, what stuck with me was as when lez, the main character, asks sassy, his friend, how he’s supposed to achieve his dreams and be happy in a world that’s fucked up, and sassy tells him, “what’s the first thing anyone does to start they’re day? You wake up.”
Don’t we all.