Every single men’s top I’ve seen are too big…
Every single men’s top I’ve seen are too big…
MiXplorer: Tabbed file explorer with many features. You can get it for free from their website, but it’s available paid on Google Play.
Symfonium: Music player compatible with many backends, such as local storage, WebDAV, Subsonic (which includes Ampache, Navidrome)
aCalendar+: Calendar app with many widgets. Best part is the persistent notification, which shows what’s happening today, and will happen tomorrow.
Cryptomator: Cross-platform file encryption program, also open source.
Not gonna lie, that must be one hell of an obscure (or new) song if it’s not available on Soulseek. If your song happen to be Japanese, try Ototoy.jp. That’s where I get most of my FLAC albums.
Avoro is really cheap and I can recommend them. If you are student, you might want to look into GitHub Student pack, which includes DigitalOcean credits.
Semi-related question since people have shown counterexample for OP’s question: Are there English sentences where the tone goes up at the end, but is not a question? It feels like that particular tone is exclusive for questions.
Both. It’s not like you have to use only one.
I’m considering setting up my own instance with an instance-wide ban on all political contents… It’s annoying to deal with those political posts with super vague title so it bypasses the keyword filter.