Shift + ctrl + v is paste without formatting
Shift + ctrl + v is paste without formatting
So windows 11 sucks for a number of reasons, but one thing it doesn’t suck for is updating the notepad program to have autosave and being able to reopen last notes even if not saved to a file directly. Makes it actually usefull as a notepad
Never will. We need a new party, not a new democrat
And not violence, when it comes to destroying inanimate objects
I think that should stop at Nazis. Like how the seeming paradox of how to have a tollerant society is that you cannot tolerate the intollerant.
Well we don’t know if he was killed, but its much more than a non-zero chance at this point. They’re tortuing him at the very least, just by the assault and kidnapping. Likely worse is happening, if not already.