Physicists hate this one time travel trick!
Physicists hate this one time travel trick!
At least you would have space to explore and options to build. Being stuck in any video game for eternity is going to be hell.
Definitely want to be in a large open world game like GTA or skyrim so you have room to explore for the rest of eternity. A mmorpg would be a grind like real life, so it would feel familiar, but at least you could have magic. I think the answer depends on if you’re a NPC or the main character in the game.
I still would probably pick Minecraft and spend eternity building working computers in the world, so I could play other games as well.
Dolphins are considered very intelligent, along with chimps, and they both eat other animals. Hell, dolphins will bite a fish in half and use the head to jerk off with. That’s not to say they can’t feel empathy for other creatures, but can we tell? Have we observed it?
Just as God Eru intended.
01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001
From personal experience there is interest to pay on sleep debt unfortunately. You can’t pay it off all in one night either, it takes a couple good sleeps to fully recover.
Like a true hobbit should be.
My orange demon would like to say a few words.
“I have an open backdoor policy” - op’s neighbour.
Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them.
Dogs are dangerous though, that’s the thing. Cuteness overload is a real and serious condition! It’s the silent killer.
In the presidential campaign, when Trump said he would help out the average person, yet he filled his cabinet with nazi billionaires. I mean, what are we to believe, a criminal is held accountable, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
They put that scene in the trailer? Man, way to blow your load early trailer people.
That nightmare really tied the room together, man.
A black hole the same mass as the sun, to replace the sun. Just to not see the world burn.
This could easily be three different coloured cats in one pile and we couldn’t tell the difference. Cats are liquid after all.
Only made the reference because of the original comment reminded me of that song. I wouldn’t normally want to associate it.
And so I wake in the morning and I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs “It’s deporting time”
That’s what they get for choosing a bad birthday in the character creation menu.