That’s just for Americans. They get to see only the orange propaganda name. Mexico gets to see only the regular name, probably because Google figures Mexico is really salty about the stupid renaming, and the rest of the world sees both name because imperialism.
I don’t have anything against renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America, the Gulf of Cuba, the Gulf of Michael Jackson or anything really… provided that 1/ there’s some sort of desire for a new name, 2/ it makes more sense and 3/ everybody in the region agrees.
Trump’s Gulf of America doesn’t meet any of those criteria: nobody asked for this, it makes no more sense to attribute the name of this gulf to any one of the countries bordering it than to Mexico (and it doesn’t concern the whole of the American continent) and nobody agrees to do this.
Trump’s Golf of America is strictly a low-effort attempt by Trump to pander to his racist magaque base. And of course, the tech monopolies like Google just ro-ro with that because money.
wild kittens may not waddle up to a human
Our last cat did exactly that. Not that young, but she was a very young kitten and she made a beeline for us across the street and never left us for the next 12 years.
Or this is staged crap posted by a user on YouTube called KittySOS who appears to repost rescue videos.
Well okay, that’s possible. But the kitten was still cute in that video, regardless of whether or not it was staged. Surely it wasn’t paid to meow…
So many people are so cynical about everything on the internet. I don’t know man… I just enjoyed watching the cute cat myself.
The magaques demand genuine respect for slavery, not pretend.
Basically Finland asked for military assistance from Nazi Germany to keep the Soviet Union at bay. German troops fought the Soviets on Finnish soil. And then when the war turned sour for Germany, Finland turned against Germany and kicked them out - more or less at the behest of the United States.
Finland’s problem has always been its gigantic aggressive neighbor to the east - and it still has that problem today. It explained its cozy relationship with Nazi Germany by the need to keep a bigger problem at bay. And it was completely true and completely rational.
But what was also true - and I know it for a fact because I talked to Finns who lived through the war and housed Germans - is that the German troops behaved impeccably in Finland and left a very good impression, even today. The Finns aren’t too proud of that but it’s a fact, and it’s even understandable from the point of view of individual Finns of the time.
After the war, not wanting to lose a potential ally in the newly-established Cold War, the US sort of accepted Finland’s rationale and let it slide. Kind of like they did with France too, which equally deserved a lot more flak than they got.
Steve Bannon can rot in hell.
He might start rotting before that: he dresses and looks like a tramp who doesn’t shower too often…
Wow, if Steve Bannon is being the reasonable adult in the magade, that says something about how out there the maga-in-chief is…
Zelensky should agree: he can always renege after the war, claiming he did what he had to do to stay independent like the Finns did after WW2 to justify inviting the Nazis in, and pointing to Trump himself as the quintessential untrustworthy ruler who readily goes back on his word.
Wouldn’t be funny if Russia interjected “Hey, we have rare earths. Want some?”
I was seven years old, we visited the Vatican
That’s a scary thought right there.
Here’s an idea: if the Vatican is so concerned about the fate of the poor, how about it uses its own obscene wealth and assets to step up to the plate?
Fucking hypocrites…
Technically they can’t dismantle USAID either.
Practically they did, is my point.
You can break something without getting rid of it.
Such as…?
I wouldn’t mind like this:
Translation: a majority of Americans confirm that they’re morons.
Relax, I was kidding 🙂
couple hundred years experience forcing people with darker skin do all their labor
Almost 400 years actually.
Are you sure? For example:
“A single seasoned engineer laser-focused on an arduous problem would trump a team of sloppy inexperienced technicians any day.”
or more topically:
“Trump’s trump Elon Musk is laser-focused on fucking up the United States on his behalf.”
both seem like valid and plausible sentences.
The reasons former presidents retain their security clearance is to permit the current President to ask them for advice.
Yes, and the advice of senile former presidents isn’t helpful. One tool in the White House is enough; we don’t need another one whispering in his ear. And anyway, as you said, Trump isn’t going to use any advice anyway.
Indeed. NBC has to quit the wishful thinking. They’re desperate for any sign of any beginning of any good news from the GOP and they’re not seeing any. The truth is, the sycophantic spineless republican senators are obeying their overlord like good little minions and there’s no two ways around it.