None of it happened while Ds had any modicum of control either. Bernie represents what the democratic party should be, not what it is and has been. They pivoted hard to the status quo and we are footing the bill.
None of it happened while Ds had any modicum of control either. Bernie represents what the democratic party should be, not what it is and has been. They pivoted hard to the status quo and we are footing the bill.
The franglais in me screams that neufant ought to be acceptable. I’m sure Canadians are saying it, who knows what language they really speak.
Franglais is my language of choice after several drinks in any French speaking country. I am from Jersey, New, so it’s the best I can do with my education.
That is news to me. Never thought to dig too deeply into my French studies in middle and high school (two decades ago), and so “apple of the earth” was just appropriate. Like, yeah, why wouldn’t it be apple of the earth?
I’m not familiar with the particular site, but having dealt with similar sites through my work, it’s presumably under the management of an LSRP as to any sort of landfill.
So landfills are pretty common everywhere. Back in the 20s, up to the 50s, they didn’t have trucks to take garbage out, and so there was just a lace in town where they dumped everything. It’s becoming common that the contents of these sites are identified, any potential contaminants are remediated, and the rest of the stuff is basically capped. There are procedures in place to demarcate where the landfill begins, in the event someone has to dig in the future, and beyond that they put loads of soil, gravel, and then a blacktop cap over top (in some cases they will leave areas green). There are strict standards for residential, and once those are met, they’re deemed safe. Very common these days. And the kind of fill in these old sites is garbage that was present in the first half of the century, and it’s mainly just junk. As I said, LSRPs would identify any potentially hazardous materials and remediate them.
Now, as far as a munitions depot, I have not come across them in my work, and so that’s new to me. That being said, the sites for these affordable housing projects under Mt. Laurel are chosen by the municipalities, and so it wasn’t a developer coming and saying yeah, it’s fine; it was the municipality saying so. They’re also generally part of a settlement in court.
During the long process of determining eligible sites, they conduct what’s called a Phase 1 environmental assessment, which identifies potential for contamination. So if there is potential, they’d move on to additional, more detailed studies. And, basically, if you’re aware of the site’s history, so are the folks involved in the project, and they’ve moved on to identifying potential contaminants and remediating it. For affordable projects, they’ll presumably get grant monies, either federal or state, which will require they comply with whatever guidelines are appropriate. NJDEP have some of the strictest standards (because we have so much experience) in the country.
But yeah, munitions depot, or at least what was essentially a firing range, is absolutely new to me, and I really hope they get some kind of UXO robots in there before you have guys in heavy machinery moving through. And I’m sure they have, because the State and the municipality would essentially be on the hook, as far as liability.
Edit: I should add, planning board and council meetings with regard to the project are open to members of the public, and in some cases they’re streamed online (one of the good things to come out of COVID). If you are interested, it’s a great place to see some of the inner workings of all of this. The municipality isn’t just stepping aside, they have their advocates, legal, engineering, and the like, and they’ll do a thorough vetting. It’s rare for affordable projects to get denied, but it does happen, and site safety can be a big factor.
Damn, I’m from Jersey, though Central, and this is all news to me. And I’m aware of the Frankfurt Armory explosion and all of that, but never did any research beyond. Very interesting.
I terrify my wife. When she comes home I hide next to the fridge and I say “BOO!” and I get her just about every time. Then I hug my kids and finish making dinner.
Your pity party here is a self-fulfilling prophecy and screams white knight and all that. You can do better, get out of your head.
They need a bigger plane that can just drop a net on the other plane and tow it in to Japan and give the pilot a stern talking to, and then they take the plane apart and send it back in a box. Dismantling the pilot optional.
Glad to hear t-pose is the way to go. I’m beginning to think it’s the solution to the world’s problems.
I’ve talked for years with friends of mine about MLB+Steroids+Aluminum Bats. I want to see someone hit two 700ft homers in a night.
Wait, you can secure SSDs and not just kinda push em in there?!
Everything is a science problem. Big refrigerators. Really big. Cool the whole world. Store heat in barrels and shoot them into the sun. Time machines. A whole host of solutions!
I think the question is stupid, and I’m not sure why we need to bring the Swedes in. Why not just say Why do Americans Hate Taxes? You’ll get a variety of answers, some in the vein you’ve described.
Me, I live in Jersey (New), and we pay a lot in taxes. I’m pro tax, but at the same time I’m also critical about how my taxes are wasted, and I say that because they certainly are. So it’s a love hate relationship I guess. I say this just because I don’t think it’s fair to assume everyone is all hurr durr small government (when it’s convenient) nonsense. I just want smarter spending. And I live in a state that’s as blue as they come, I vote for them, but our mediocre transit system is on the brink of disaster (like, every election it seems), despite me sending a bunch of my money to NJ, as an example.
Agreed, also neurotypical (probably), and I wrote about it in another comment, but sometimes distracting myself from physical and mental fatigue help me focus on the task at hand, especially considering the subject matter of my work can sometimes be a bit dry.
I am a stenographer. I cover board meetings with lots of people speaking about moderately technical subjects. I do my best work when I can watch a hockey game while I listen to what people say. When the night wears on and fatigue starts to set in, having a distraction like that is a huge help.
Yeah, I remember when they started rolling out data plans and they were hefty and the Internet on phones was useless. Then GPS on your phone was an add-on, also hefty. So it’s definitely improved.
This was certainly in the US at one point. I remember having 500 per month, which was an absolute joke for 16 year old me with a girlfriend the next town over, and paying 25 send and 5 receive afterwards. Old cell plans were absolute trash.
I look slightly above their eyes, at the forehead or even as high as their hairline. I do not break contact with their upper face.
I swear people in on Zoom to testify and for some reason I took to looking at the camera because it perhaps makes it more official, since I assume they’re looking at me. I dunno. Life is one big joke.
You’ve flown or you’ve flown in? Presumable the former, but I know people from where I’m from use flown to mean flown in. If you’ve only been airborne three times, and all in separate crafts, that’s something special in and of itself.