And? Whats your point? I should just accept it and go die right now?
And? Whats your point? I should just accept it and go die right now?
I suppose I didn’t properly convey my situation. Being homeless, going without my medications, means I will die. Its not a “sacrifice current comfort for the future” thing for me. If things truly go as bad as you’re so sure they will, then it means I die anyway, so I’m not gonna just make it happen right away to satisfy a stranger on the internet that has a lot of opinions, but as far as I care, is doing just as much as the rest of us.
I got lucky working retail during COVID, never caught it AFAIK, but now I’m post organ transplant and therefore immunocompromised. I’m not so excited for the idiots to spread this shit around.
Would you like me to be homeless or in the hospital from not being able to afford my medications? You seem pretty willing to sacrifice people like me at the altar.
Most of us want someone else to do what needs to be done because we’re too busy simply making ends meet. Sure, let me just call out of work to do some protesting, oh shit, now I can’t afford rent, or food, or my meds, or paying off my last Dr visit, etc.
The death cult marches ever onward, at least we got cheaper eggs before ushering in the rapture.
oh wait…
All Trump knows is mcdonalds, do felonies, eat horse paste, and lie.
Exactly, go to any conservative space and they’re just happy that the “libs are getting owned.”
Forgive my ignorance, but wouldn’t that fuck over a lot more places than the US?
The very second prices come down on their own, with nothing Trump did affecting it, he and his cult will point and say “SEE?!”
Left over Flavor Aid gifted from the neighbors that seem to have disappeared…
I’m not so sure I’d call someone that would have to dip into savings for healthcare all that rich. Well off, maybe.
One of the people did, I don’t think she had a lot.
I still maintain that someone with that level of caffeine sensitivity should have either:
1 - Read the fucking sign that said it was caffeinated, or
2 - Not drank a mystery liquid in lieu of signage
“but why would you think lemonade would be caffeinated?” People with severe food allergies don’t just shove random food in their mouths, why would this person?
sounds like a boner pill
You check in with Vlad before you go near any windows.
it makes it harder for fence sitters to deny
I didn’t think it would only take a day for the tankies to throw their lot in with Trump with so much enthusiasm. I figured they’d pretend for a little longer at least.
light mode is against the geneva conventions
I’m sorry, maybe I missed something, but are we doing that thing where we argue but we really agree with each other?