For some. For others I think it’s a distraction/indication of poverty. Books, streaming subscription, some games, are way cheaper than a career or any hobby.
Haha, good one tankie. Look, I can hide the sun with one hand! xD
So, born rich?
The comments here are at the same level of any mainstream platform. You made it lemmy! You are mainstream now!
Ok. I’m going to leave here. Thanks for voicing your opinions.
Yeah, history is not info. And of course the “no, your are wrong” irrefutable argument.
No they are not. You are in a echo chamber. :) (Happy face to show lack of hostility)
Didn’t know about it, first time I hear this. I’m in shock I tell you. ><. I think maybe, the hard part about it, is that you need a wide variety and well balanced diet? I mean like, really doing the math. Because of the amino acids? Maybe that’s why is not so popular?
Oh, thanks. I was thinking “am I so out of touch with reality that I missed the man landing on Mars?” ><
I had some info (meat = strength), got new info (vegan = few champions, mostly speed/endurance). Pointing out that with the small amount of vegan athletes there is, they still make it to the top. But they are not vegans since birth. I did say I was thinking out loud. Apparently that’s a sin for some people.
DM me when a full vegan (since birth) becomes a champion in any physical activity. I’ll be waiting. “No, you are illogical.” Pretty mature.
Wait a second. Survival on Mars? And who are “they”?
I always thought about meat, poultry, fish and eggs. And, again, always thought “what do strength champions eat?” Simple Google search show small amount of vegan champions, most of them stamina/speed champions, and some of those turned vegans after 20/30 years of omnivorous diet. And not taking into account their “supplements.” Just thinking out loud.
What’s the most nutritious food?
Yup. He just wants attention.
Is that web reliable? Can people go 20 days without sleeping? Simple Google search says record is 11 days. And he worries about detainees? Not gays? And yeah, the web description is “unbiased, well researched, independent news.” You know they are bad when they do those kind of claims. Just criticizing the website, not the story. Commenting because that’s how I’m doing my part. ><
That’s twice the minimum wage where I live.