Welcome Reddit refugees, glad to have some fresh faces 'round these parts.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2021


  • “These are not said by the employees, because of the power dynamic where if they say anything I could and would get them fired out of pure pettyness, so they just silently hope I die in a car crash on the way home.”


    With all that said, until things change, for sake of the underpaid employees, please tip just know you don’t have too. If they treat you kindly and respectfully, tip, if not, smallest tip possible.

    A’ight, that’s cool at least as long as you tip in the current system but push for change, no prob there. But make no mistake the only reason the employee doesn’t say anything is the power dynamic, they’re thinkin’ it!

  • Arcaneslime@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlwhat if?
    1 year ago

    You want sewage? You sign up for sewage. Everybody who does, has a week assigned where they must do the necessary maintainance for that utility.

    So I’m supposed to learn everything about sewer maintinence before this week, or are we throwing untrained people at critical infrastructure simply because they want to use it? And what then if I also want food, transportation, a computer, cat food, smokeables, drinkables, shelter, etc? Do I have to become an expert in all of those things too and work in those to get food, shelter, etc? Have to churn butter for a week if I want access to the butter store, and make bread for a week to get access to the bread lines, then I can make toast?

    Personally I’d prefer if there was some way to make what I make or do what I do, exchange those items or services for some thing with an agreed upon value, which I can in turn take to the store and trade for bread and butter.

  • My masto admin still is free to ban people he doesn’t like from his server of course, he just would rather we be able to curate our own feeds, and I’m sure curates his own just the same as we do. He didn’t abdicate the throne I suppose by the nature of being the server owner, and our server is private (exclusive to those in a particular club,) I guess he’s just a benevolent dictator. Still though, I like his approach.

  • Yes, just venting my personal grievances with the reacionary culture of the fedi at large. I think the fediverse would be perfect if most of the moderation (regarding cultivating your feed and blocking instances, communities, and users) was placed on the individual, barring outright illegal content like CP, revenge porn, or beastiality which should of course be nuked from orbit and are all actually illegal.

    I’d like to see the culture go not from dictator (reddit) to smaller dictators (lemmy), but from dictator (reddit) to anarchism (lemmy, but with more community decision making for themselves as an individual rather than The Council of Beehaw and The Council of Lemmy.world deciding all their peasants are at war with each other.)

  • XMPP (with omemeo) is the classic (and also what FB messenger uses behind the scenes, without omemo), Matrix is the new kid on the block taking over. Both are decentralized sorta like the fediverse (but separate from said fediverse.)

    Used to use Signal, but they’re removing SMS support so everyone might as well switch to matrix. Wickr was bought by amazon (and they say they won’t ruin it, riiiight), so that’s out. Idk enough about briar or session, and telegram isn’t as secure as people seem to think.